So this book is usually about silly and stupid things, but today I'd like to talk about something a bit more serious. The subject of this discussion being Trump's attempted assassination in Pennsylvania. (If you care about the rights and well being of trans people, I encourage you to read this. I will be explaining everything in very simple words so that people can easily understand what I'm saying.)
Here's a quick recap of what took place:
A shooter opened fire, grazing Trump's ear before he got down with Secret Service for about a minute. He then stood up with his fist in the air. He is alive and well, in full recovery. He was rushed to the hospital immediately afterwards.
While I know a lot of people are jumping to conspiratorial thinking, and thinking that the whole shooting was staged, I want to take a moment to explain how the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan guaranteed him the presidential victory.
After the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan, his polling and approval ratings skyrocketed. He went from 70% republican support, 50% independent, and 30% democratic to an increase of around 20% from each party, (that's a lot!) almost 100% of republicans supported him, 70% of independents, and 50% of democrats.
Whether or not you believe the Trump shooting was staged, the narrative is still out there, and it's being used to propell him in a way we haven't seen since the last attempt at a presidential assassination. We know this because its already happening. Trump is gaining sympathy and pity and he's using it to his advantage.
Now what if Trump is reelected? What does that mean for trans rights? This is where it gets scary...
Donald Trump's reelection website features a section called "Agenda 47" that has many videos outlining his plans for if he returns to office. In one video titled "President Trump's Plan to Protect Children from Left-Wing Gender Insanity" he makes his plans for trans rights clear.
Trump pledges to sign a new executive order to cease all programs that promote the concept of gender transition at ANY age. In terms of education, he plans to introduce "severe consequences" for any teacher or school that suggests a kid could be experiencing gender dysphoria, limiting counseling for minors experiencing this mental pain. This mental health resource for trans youth will be taken away.
Instead he would like to promote the image of the "nuclear family" and impose unnecessary and outdated gender roles on kids. (For those who don't know what a "nuclear family" is, basically the traditional definition of a nuclear family is a family unit that includes two married parents of opposite genders and their kids.)
Finally, if he wins this election in November, he will ask congress to pass three bills that establish that:
1. The only genders recognized by the US government are male and female, and they're assigned at birth. (Not even grown trans adults will be able to be legally recognized as their correct gender.)
2. Title 9 prohibits trans people from participating in sports.
3. Parents must give consent for their kids to even be socially recognized with their gender identity.
Yeah... it's honestly heartbreaking, and these aren't the only bad things included in "Agenda 47", I'd recommend researching it yourself, its terrible what he plans to do in the education system and in general. (I might make a pt.2 to this idk)
(Btw, I'm not saying that I like Biden, they're both terrible presidents in my opinion)
But anyways, I'd just like to say something to all of my trans brothers, sisters, and siblings, or any queer people in general, if you're worried about what's going to happen these next four years with the election, and you're trying to make peace with the fact that Trump will most likely get elected as president and you don't know what to do with yourself, this is for you.
You need to live. Idc if this sounds cheesy. This is me informing you that your existence is now an act of political resistance. It really shouldn't be, and it's terrible that it is, but it sadly is. So you have to stay alive, because quite frankly- I can't do this on my own. I know it's scary and I know it's hard, it keeps me up at night in fear of my future, but we can't give up.
Trump needs to respect existence, or expect resistance. We are not a burden, we are not confused, we are perfect the way we are. We will get through this.
You are not alone! We're in this together! <333

my sketchbook/random posting
RandomIm going 2 be posting fanart/OCs from my sketchbook on here! (all my ocs are goofy, but so am i so it checks out) i dont do digital art (YET) This will also be a random posting thing for stuff like updates, things about me, vents, politics, etc