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Hi again, my dear friends👋😁. Hope you all are doing good and enjoying your day/night. I just want to do a quick note about updating my story. So umm...I'm probably going to try upload my chapters whenever I'm done with them (one at a time) since I got nothing better to do than just write and listen to music. But that doesn't mean I will be putting up the chapters quickly. I don't want to rush my work but also don't want to keep you guys waiting for my project.

I assure you though, I'm going to make sure I'll keep you updated on my story and to check if the chapters are well edited before showing them off. I have a habit where I just throw my writing in, then to realised at last minute, how many mistakes I made (literal nightmare, I hate editing😭). But aye, it's all goods in the hoods.

I'm going to take my leave now and I hope you all have a great day/night. 😁



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