A/n (no this is not going on hiatus)

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Heyyy not an update but, do not fear- I'm cooking up the next chapter i promise.

Just enjoy these story ideas I've been thinking about for the past two months for no reason at all. (Hazbin hotel brainrot is real)

You can use these ideas for yourself as long as you credit meee ✨💖✨💖💖✨✨

So enjoy these!!

:possible name: Rainbow strawberries

Angel sat at the bar, watching husk clean glasses. "Hey whiskers, have you noticed that Alastor has been acting weird lately?" Angel took a sip of his drink, his finger circling the rim of the glass. For the past few days, Alastor had been watching the hotel like a hawk and annoying Lucifer less than usual. Whenever Charlie asks about it he just responds with,

"It's nothing to worry about my dear, I'm simply waiting on something."

Angel had been curious and what Alastor was waiting on, and seeing as Husk had worked with alastor for a long time maybe he would know. Husk let out a huff as he set the now clean shot glass on the counter. "Look, I don't know what's going on either but I can't say I'm surprised. This has happened a few times but he usually just sent me away."  Husk said turning to Angel.

"Once he summoned me back to clean up and do errands" Angel perked up at this, raising a brow. "Clean up? Like he had a party or something?" Angel thought about Alastor throwing a party and it just didn't fit, well- mimzy did say when he was drunk he was as harmless as a kitten...

Husk shook his head "More like a murder room," Husk shivered "There were so many organs.." Angel hummed, that sounded more like Alastor style than a full-course party.

Angel and Husk shut up when Alastor walked in, they watched as he opened the door looking down at the ground Alastor picked up a letter and dusted it off. Unable to keep his curiosity to himself Angel got up and walked over.

"Watcha got their smiles?" Alastor put the letter in his coat, glaring at Angel "I suggest you keep to yourself angel, now if you'll excuse me, I'll be heading to my room." Alastor moved past angel dust, ignoring how Charlie and Vaggie looked at him confused as he walked back up the stairs. Charlie turned back to Angel and Husk. "What was that all about?" Vaggie asked slightly annoyed. Angel shrugged.

"I don't know toots, he just picked up a letter and then left." Charlie gave Vaggie a concerned smile "I'm sure it's nothing! We should leave Alastor be." Charlie said even though she was also curious, wanting to be a good friend to Alastor she decided later she would go see what was up with Alastor. Angel gave Husk a look which he returned. "If you say so, Charlie." Angel went back over to the bar finishing his drink.

"Another drink whiskers!" Husk nodded and poured Angel some more wine with a small smile. Charlie glanced at Vaggie "Do you think he is okay? He's been a bit weird after that fight with Adam.." Charlie fiddled with her hands and paused when her girlfriend held them gently. "I'm sure he's fine Charlie, he's an overlord he can handle himself," Vaggie said with a smile and Charlie sighed. "Still, I'm just worried about him."

Charlie considers everyone in the hotel as a friend, and Alastor, most likely still here for his entertainment didn't matter, he was her friend through and through. "I'll probably go and check on him later.." vaggie sighed and nodded. She started to lead Charlie to their room. "but before that let's go cuddle. You've been stressed lately, no thanks to Alastor I'm assuming so a break would be good for you."

Charlie blushed at this and with a flustered smile nodded. "okay I'll talk to him later then.."

Alastor opened his room door, shutting it and locking it once he stepped in. Setting the letter on his bed Alastor let out a groan. Today was the day he would have to host the elk fest. What was that you ask?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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