Chapter 3

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It's been a month since hell managed to cancel the extermination, and the hotel has been rebuilt, Alastor was in his radio tower enjoying the view from hell, his chest aching only a tiny bit.

The coffee in his hand made his body feel hot yet comfortable. That was until his shadow appeared behind him holding a box with a dark red ribbon. "Another one?" The shadow nodded as he handed the box the his master, a curious look on its face. Alastor looked at the box and opened it, a note at the top, Alastor decided to ignore the note for now looking at what either Valentino or his other secret admirer got for him this time.

As previously stated it's been a month since the war, and the wound on Alastor's chest ever so slowly healing, much to his displeasure. The gifts haven't stopped coming either, which also annoys him a bit that he doesn't know who's been sending the other gifts.

They must be very wealthy considering each time they send him a gift it's either new or well kept, He thinks back to when it first started, Charlie just coming back from heaven all sad because Vaggie was an ex-exorcist. Not that he cared really, it was just annoying to see Charlie all teary-eyed.

______flash back_______

There was a knock on the door and Alastor grinned, "I'll-" "I'll get it dear, don't you worry you're pretty little head!" Alastor patted Charlie's head then walked over to the door opening it with a swift motion. Alastor heard a squeak and looked down only to find a small doe wearing a mailman's outfit

"Ah! Hello dear! What brings you here today? Right before the day of the extermination" "I-" "Looking for rehabilitation into heaven?" Alastor talked over her "N-no sir..." The doe finally had the chance to speak up. Alastor raised an eyebrow as Charlie walked over "Aw who's this cutie~! What brings you here hm?" Charlie asked in a cute tone, the doe sighed before lifting a box with a red bow.

"For Alastor the radio demon.." the doe said a bit scared and tired.

"Oh! A gift for Alastor?"

Charlie turned to Alastor who had a look of amusement and confusion his smile a thin line.  "A gift?" Alastor grabs the box seems a little heavy. "Does it say who's it from?" Charlie chirped excitedly "No, it doesn't."

alastor took a good look at the doe "Mind telling me who sent this?" The doe gulped "I-I don't know sir... I only deliver the package to the said address, I-I'm sorry if this is no help.." Alastor hummed and nodded. "Alright Have a hellish day!" Alastor closed the door as Charlie squealed.

"Ohh maybe you have a secret admirer!!" Alastor's smile faltered only for a second "A what now?"

Alastor questioned, not understanding. "A secret admirer! Someone who likes you but is too shy to say anything. Sometimes they send gifts just like this!!" Charlie said with a cheeky grin. Angel soon walked up and snatched the box.

"Ya, what Charlie said." Alastor hummed about to reach for it back "Hey uhh..." Angel started his face tightening "What?" Alastor replied a bit confused "This... I think I know who this is from.." Alastor and Charlie tilted their heads in confusion "This uh.. this smells just like my boss..." Alastor raised an eyebrow as Charlie froze "And who may that be?" Alastor asked looking between Charlie and Angel.

"Ugh Valentino"
"Ugh Valentino"

Alastor's eyes widened a bit, Valentino the pimp that hangs out with Vox. Disgusting little bug I tell you one time he tried the touch his ears, and respecfully sent him flying like the overgrown roach he is. Alastor almost forgot about him, and the Vees for that matter.

"I believe I know who you're talking about!" Alastor said as he looked at the box with mild distaste "You can keep it angel, I don't want it" the spider gasped defensively "I don't want it either al" Angel shoved the box right back into Alastor's hands "I-"

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