Chatper 7

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Alastor hummed as he watched the spectacle below.

(I know absolutely nothing about the wrath ring, so I'm mostly making it similar to greed in a way except there's more death and fighting)

The demons beneath them yelled as they fought while other demons cheered placing bets on who would win.

Vox sat beside Alastor a huge grin on his face as he pretended to watch the fight. "enjoying the show?" Vox asked putting his hands to his sides to ignore his sweaty palms.

Alastor chuckled, "it's mildly entertaining" Alastor wasn't really impressed by the demons below sloppy and rage filled fighting, but he did like seeing blood and guts.

Vox nodded slowly and he turned his attention back to the fight below, he remembered that on dates your supposed to ask about the person you on a date with, so grabbing some courage out of his ass he turned to Alastor again.

"How have you been?" Alastor looked at vox, raising an eyebrow "what? I'm curious. The big bad radio demon leaves for seven years and magically comes back " vox says back a smirk on his face. "You make a compelling argument there vox, but I must suggest you mind your business."

Vox sighs to himself "then tell me what you've been doing recently, and for the last seven years?" Vox leans against his hand all his head. "You know like at that crappy hotel of yours" the earned him a small glare "it's not mine it's Charlie's." Vox let out a small sorry under his breath.

"And no I have not been doing much as for the past few days, there are barley any new demons coming to the hotel, along with the worry of another extermination. Quite silly if you ask me." Vox nods as he listens, and remembers alastor getting his ass beat by Adam.

"But uh.. what about your fight with that dick Adam?" Vox noticed Alastor tense up, maybe not the right time to ask that. "Hm i should've known you knew, I thought I saw one of those pesky cameras of yours." Vox raised his hands up In defense, "caught red handed." Alastor let out a laugh "not really. But I'll let you have this one."

Vox smiled "Aw is the radio demon going soft on me already?" Alastor rolled his eyes "shut up."

Vox nodded "alright, alright." After that the air around them seemed to be less awkward. Vox turned his attention back to the fight congratulating on a job well done in making them both chill out. The demon in the ring below already lost an arm and a leg and is using it to fight. Ew, not surprising but ew..

After the fight was over vox and Alastor walked down the streets of wrath passing by stores and weapon shops. Vox looks over and sees a restaurant. Called 'Mimi's fine dining' "Do you want to get something to eat..?" Alastor looks over to vox. "I only eat demon meat and deer meat." "Oh.." vox looks around for anything else to do. "But I guess we could stop by."

Vox raised a brow as he followed Alastor to Mimi's Alastor was acting weird, weirder than usual.

(Sorry for the short chapter lmao)

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