chapter 2

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:Chapter 2: Vox and Valentino 'break up'...again...

"So.." Vox frowned as Valentino spoke while Vox was repairing his shattered screen. Who knew jacking off to other men would get your boyfriend/business partner upset?.  "Wanna explain?" "I was before you hit me with a wooden fucking dildo" Vox murmured as he glared at Valentino.

Valentino rolled his eyes "well I wanna break up." Vox groaned "again?" Valentino nodded "I think we need a break from each other." Vox growled "you know I think i need a break from you too" Valentino gasped "I'm the one breaking up with you!" Vox's eye glitches 'were both breaking up. Now get out of my office you overgrown moth!!" Valentino huffed causing him to sqeak as usual "UGH FINE!!" Valentino stopped at the door "but just know I have other men then just you!"

Vox rolled his eyes as Valentino slamed the door "that bald purple fucker..." Vox sighed as he sat on the couch, maybe he could fuck with alastor again... Vox turned into a spark of Electricity into his office turning on his million computers "Alastor, Alastor-" ah! There he was, vox smirked as he saw Alastor outside the hotel getting a package- wait a package? Vox zoomed in on the small delivery demon.. he looked oddly familiar to- "that bitch!-" vox slammed his fist on the desk, that was one of Valentino's little lackeys mostly used for delivering sex toys and such.

It hasn't even been two minutes!!
Fine if he was going to play the jealousy game he would do the same! Vox went online and ordered some modern radios, knowing Valentino he probably got Alastor a choker or a damn guidebook on how to be a slut.. after finishing he put in the hotel's address having his name be 'secret admirer' what? He wasn't about to let Alastor know he was the one sending him shit. He will let Valentino face Alastor's wrath.

_____in the hotel a few minutes earlier____

Charlie was looking at their old tv flicking through the channels everyone else watched along in boredom, soon Charlie found the news. The headline saying 'the Valentino and vox have broken up again!!" The news reporter explaining that this was their 6th time breaking up.

Charlie frowned "oh dear.. vox deserves so much better than Valentino! Don't you think angel?" Angel rolled his eyes "listen toots they have been on and off for centuries they'll get back together in a week." Alastor soon came in a grin on his face "oh hello Alastor!!" Alastor's grin widened "hello to you to Charlie dear, how's hell treating you this hellish morning hmm?" Charlie sighed "I'm just taking a small break.." Charlie coughed a smile back onto her face and Alastor chuckled "so did the meeting up stairs go well?" "Upstairs?- oh! Heaven, no. No it didn't.." Alastor laughed finding this amusing as he walked over to the couch sitting down on a plush chair "ohho, tell me everything-"


Alastor sighed,"I'll-" "I'll get it deer, don't you worry you're little head!" Alastor patted Charlies head then walked over to the door opening it with a swift motion. Alastor heard a sqeak and looked down only to find a small doe wearing a mailman's outfit "ah! Hello dear! What brings you here today?" "I-" "looking for rehabilitation to get into heaven?" Alastor talked over her "n-no sir..." the doe finally had the chance to speak up. Alastor raised an eyebrow as Charlie walked over "Aw who's this cutie~! What brings you here hm?" Charlie asked in a cute tone, the doe sighed before lifting up a box with a red bow.

"For Alastor the radio demon.." the doe said a bit scared and tired.

"Oh! A gift for Alastor?"

Charlie turned to Alastor who had a look of amusement and confusion his smile a thin line.  "A gift?" Alastor grabs the box seems a little heavy. "Does it say who's it from?" Charlie chirped very excited "no, it doesn't." alastor takes a good look at the doe "say mind telling me who sent this?" The doe gulped "I-I don't know sir.. I only deliver the package to the said address, I-I'm sorry if this is no help.." Alastor hummed and nodded. "Alright the. Have a hellish day!" Alastor closed the door as Charlie squealed. "Ohh maybe you have a secret admirer!!" Alastor's smile faltered only for a second "pardon me?"

Alastor questioned, not really understanding. "A secret admirer! Someone who likes you but is to shy to say anything. Sometimes they send gifts just like this!!" Charlie said with a cheeky grin. Angel soon walked up and snatched the box. "Ya, what Charlie said." Alastor hummed about to reach for it back "Hey uhh..." Angel started his face tightening "What?" Alastor replied a bit confused "This... I think I know who this is from.." Alastor and Charlie tilted their heads in confusion "This uh.. this smells just like my boss..." Alastor raised an eyebrow as Charlie froze "And who may that be?" Alastor asked looking between Charlie and Angel.

"Ugh Valentino"
"Ugh Valentino"

(Edit) hii!! This was made before the last two episodes of the season, just to clarify for any confusion, the next chapter will have a tiny time skip that will be after the battle between heaven and hell, bye bye :3

(another edit) I have went over this and fixed up some things- English is hard.

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