Chapter 8

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Dinner dash

Alastor glanced at the menu, unimpressed by the expensive prices. Slowly he looked back at vox noting how nervous he looked

With a small chuckle put the menu down. "So, have you decided what you're going to order vox?" He tapped his claws against the table, his eyes turning to look out the window they were sitting at. Vox let out a sigh.

"Uh yeah, I'll probably get the nachos... What about you?" vox asked a small grin on his face. "Steak" alastor looked back at vox a bit bored.

Vox huffed "So uh... how has your radio show been?" alastor hummed both hands now in his lap.

"It's been going quite well! I'm happy to see some demons in hell still enjoy the proper medium to express oneself." vox's eye twitched "though I must admit, I do miss that old head of yours. It certainly gave you more character."

Vox let out an unamused chuckle. "I'd say this is an upgrade from that old ugly box I had." vox tapped his head with a proud smirk

"This baby right here is waterproof and can answer calls on it, I have built-in speakers as well as solar-charged batteries" vox looked back at alastor with a challenging look "I'm sure your old radios can't do that can it?"

Alastor's grin got even bigger "All that and yet with a few insults you turn into a glitching mess~" alastor laughed and vox frowned and looked away "I... I'm still working on that."

"I'm sure you are old pal." alastor let out soft chuckles as the waiter came over "Are you gentlemen ready to order?" the waiter said holding her notepad close. Alastor smiled kindly at her "I'll have a steak, raw" alastor said glancing over to vox, who had his business smile on his face "I'll have the nachos. Along with a bottle of bourbon"

Alastor raised an eyebrow at this as the waiter nodded and wrote everything down "Anything else?" alastor shook his head "No that's it my dear" The waiter smiled and left.

"Bourbon?" alastor asked with a teasing glint in his eyes "It's something to remember the old times by. Plus.." vox pulled out a small thing of whiskey from his jacket and set it on the table. A cheeky grin on his face. "Remember when we used to drink the night away..? I kinda wanted to uh.. Rekindle our friendship with a blast."

Alastor looked at vox suspiciously "Are you just trying to get me drunk? You know I can still kill you even if intoxicated-" vox was quick to cut him off.

"No! I.. I'm serious Al." vox looked away a sad smile on his face "I missed you okay..? And I'm sorry for fucking everything up last time, And now that your back and heh not trying to kill me. I want to get to know you again."

Alastor looked at the man in front of him. His smile wavering a bit. "That was pretty corny huh?" Vox chuckled slightly but then noticed Alastor's look. "Uhm Al..? You okay?"

Alastor gripped his seat his ears slightly going down, he was not ready for this. He couldn't help but see the old vox sitting across from him. When times were good when he wasn't chained.

He needed to get out of here, he couldn't afford to seem weak In front of everyone.
Vox tensed as he saw alastor start to dissipate into the shadows he reached his hand out to stop him. "Alastor wait!-" he growled, his eye swirling as he stared at the empty seat in front of him.



Omg hi I know, I know it's been... (checks notes) a while... but!! Here is a new chapter!!! Since I do have a life (sadly) I have not been posting much, Also I'm starting a summer school program yayy 😭

But hopefully, I at least get a new chapter out next month😘 also thinking about a new story idea, still working on it but do expect a new book to be out ;3

And a special thanks to the few ppl who have been reading and commenting, srs love you guys 🥹

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