Chapter 6

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Vox huffed as he looked around from his seat, Alastor should be here, why was he so nervous, he was vox the tv demon! CEO of voxtech, and ect. He shouldn't be scared of Alastor.

Yet there he was watching from across the street in a cafe to see if Alastor would actually show up. The wrath ring was oddly peaceful well as peaceful as hell could get.

Vox's sensors picked up a radio frequency, knowing it was Alastor he turned to look over across the street to see Alastor across the street staring at him. Vox blinked a few times and he was gone.

"What the-" Alastor's hand suddenly tapped on the table. "I'm right here vox."

"AH!-" vox almost fell out his seat and some of his coffee spilled onto the table.

"Hm! Quite a surprise to see you here!" Alastor said as he sat down across from vox looking at him suspiciously "so! What brings you here hm? waiting for someone?"

Vox blinked a few times taking a good look at Alastor and what he was wearing. "Yes I am and..what are you wearing..??" He could feel his screen heating up, Alastor looked away for a second "clothes, and you?" Vox blushed silently to himself keeping a straight face in-front of Alastor,

He was wearing a dark blue jacket with a red button up shirt along with black pants and pointed shoes. He felt under dressed.

Alastor tapped his fingers on the table. "I possess a question for you old pal." Vox nodded drinking the rest of his coffee, it's better to be fully awake around Alastor, he might bite a few fingers off. "Are you this secret admirer of mine? Or is this just a trap of some kind?" Alastor said not that amused.

"I- uh.." vox took a deep breath. " is me.." Alastor hummed. "Well that was anticlimactic." vox rolled his eyes. "and i wanted to talk to you about something."

Alastor scoffed "if this is about that then i shall take my leave" "wait." vox grabbed alastors hand just as he was about to leave. Alastod glared at him. "i suggest you let go. Old pal." vox huffed "just sit back down and listen."

Alastor looked at him for a second before sitting back down. "what is the meaning of this?" alastor asked regaining his composure to not kill vox this very minute.

"i want us to.." vox gulped the words at the tip of his toungue.
"be like how we used to" alastor laughed loudly for a few minutes making vox angry in his seat but he continued talking. "and from there can we see.. how it.... goes.."

Alastor soon stoped laughing "oh vox~ you want us to be friends again?" vox glared at him "if you're done laughing at me, yes I do." Vox muttered gritting his teeth. "Ha, well why didn't you just say that? Though it won't be that easy I'm sure we can come to an arrangement."

Alastor got up. "Now come along dear, we still have an event to attend, your treat correct?" Vox blinked a few times before nodding "uh yeah." He got up walking alongside Alastor to the event, a small blush on his face.

He had so much to to velvette and val

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