The Repast

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Servants from Castle Redmont had set up a big campfire in front of Will’s cabin. To one side, they had set up several tables with enough food and drinks for days. On another side, enough wood had been stacked to last Will through the next winter. A few chairs and cushions had been brought out, so everyone could choose how and where they wanted to sit. In memory of Halt, all tables were decorated with freshly picked wildflowers.

They all grabbed something to eat and drink, and sat down around the campfire. Pauline was the last to sit down, but they all waited for her.

“When he asked me to marry him, he thought we could sneak off with a few people and get married somewhere private,” she said and smiled. “Instead, he got a wedding with two hundred guests. I think it was right to give him a memorial service, but I think that this is what he would have wanted. The people he loved, gathered together to remember him. So please, feel free to tell your stories. Feel free to laugh. It is what Halt wanted.”

Will and Gilan nodded in agreement.

“I was thinking…”, Maddie started slowly.

“Always a dangerous pastime,” Will, Gilan and Horace chorused.

“Right, should have known. Anyway, how about we all share our favourite or special memories about Halt? I’m sure there are some stories some of us have never heard.”

“Love it,” Pauline immediately said. “Would you like to start, Maddie?”

“Well, I’m obviously very thankful that Halt got me a spot as a Ranger’s apprentice. It changed my life into something I never deemed possible. It allowed me to learn so much, and I truly believe I will be a better Queen thanks to Halt’s influence.” Maddie looked at her mother. “Although obviously I hope I won’t be for a long time.”

Cassandra smiled at her.

“There are so many memories with Halt, I can only imagine how many you all must have. One of my favourite memories must be when we were travelling back from Gallica. We had dropped the prince off back with his father, and were on our way home. Halt, Will, my dad and me. Will wanted to prank Halt, and enlisted me to help. Obviously, I was happy to.”

Will smiled as he remembered the incident.

“I had gone hunting, and Will had offered to make dinner. As the apprentice, I was then obviously tasked with doing the dishes, but for some reason Halt decided to come help me. Will had slightly burned the food, just enough that it wouldn’t be ruined, but it would be a pain to clean. So Halt and I sat at the river, trying to scrub the burned pan. I pretended to be very annoyed, complaining quite a bit. Meanwhile, my dad was walking towards us to fill the water skins. In comparison to a Ranger, it’s like a bear walking through the forest.”

Maddie smiled at her dad, showing she didn’t mean to offend him. Horace shrugged, he knew it was true.

“So my dad and I were making a lot of noise, to cover up any noise Will might make. None of us would hear him, but Halt trained him. So if anyone would know, it was him. Will got close to Halt, ready to push him in, when Halt threw himself backwards and immediately grabbed Will and threw him in the river. It happened so quickly, I barely saw it happening. But immediately, he grabbed me as well and threw me next to Will. So we sat there, soaking wet in the river, wondering what went wrong and saw Halt laughing at us. Properly laughing. Still don’t know how he knew Will was there. But seeing him laugh like that, was worth the soaking wet clothes.”

Will smiled. “He always knew, we tried so many times. I don’t think we ever successfully pranked him.”

Gilan nodded. “He taught us everything we know, but he obviously knew more.”

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