Just breath..Please//eleven//

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"STOP IT STOP IT!" The person In the yellow suit screamed But Gwen just kept shooting without even looking. When all of a sudden the person in the yellow And slapped the gun out of her hand. The person inside of the yellow Hazmat suit quickly took off their helmet and pulled one into a hug?It was mom!?"gwen!oh baby your okay!" joyce cried out squeezing her daughter tight."mom..." gwen said into her moms shoulder a single tear falling,for the first time in a long almost everything felt right..for gwen.

Joyce pulled out the hug keeping a arm around gwen."hey kid"hopper said Casually with A small wave. "hi." but before gwen could finish joyce cut her off"baby wheres will...Where you're brother!?" she said frantically,"I-I don't know the demogorgon it got him"gwen tried to answer her moms question.The three of them looked around the upside down world gwen coughing up blood once in a while,she couldnt decided if she was okay or not.but it didn't matter,all that matter was finding will.After walking through the disorienting tunnels of the Upside Down, Gwen eventually spotted something unusual in the distance. She pointed and asked, "What's that?" joyce and hopper turned.To their horror, they saw Will, seemingly stuck to something - a strange, tentacle-like structure resembling a flower, holding his mouth shut. His complexion was pale, and his veins were visible. Will seemed unconscious.

Hopper and Joyce rushed over to him, their footsteps echoing urgently against the ground as they darted toward Will. With swift movements, they began untangling Will from the eerie wall, their faces showing visible concern. Gwen stood frozen in place, her jaw dropped and her eyes wide with disbelief. Joyce's voice shattered the silence, her words laden with fear and distress. "He's not breathing! Hopper, Hopper, he's not breathing!" Hopper immediately swung into action, urgently pounding on Will's chest with strong, measured blows. "Come on kid! Stay with me!"  Joyce dissolved into tears, her voice broken and pleading. "Please, Will, baby, please breathe. Please," she cried. Hopper slammed his fist against Will's chest with increasing force, determination and desperation fueling his actions. Gwen knelt down by Will's side and spoke to him in a trembling voice: "Will, I'm right here. Mom's here. Please, I can't lose you too."

A collective sigh of relief filled the air as Will unexpectedly took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling shakily. Hopper stopped his chest compressions, and Joyce gently cradled Wills body, her voice quivering as she whispered, "There you go, baby. Breathe." Gwen quickly wiped away the tears that streamed down her face.Hopper quickly pulled off the mask of the Hazmat suit and carefully placed it over Will's mouth, securing it tightly. He made sure the mask was correctly positioned, ensuring that Will received the necessary oxygen. 

finally...the byers kids are back.


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