~+ Chapter 1 +~

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A/n: new story welcome welcome.

TW, as usual! I honestly shouldn't even add these anymore it's kinda implied

Lover's Pov;

And I woke up, again. In the Morning. To my fucking demise.

I get up, stretch, and sigh at the stabbing pain in my arms. It didn't hurt anymore, I was used to it.

I swung my legs over my bed and tried to ignore the growling in my stomach, welcome to another day of... well, me.

I grabbed a pink hoodie and some blue jeans, and made the mistake of looking at myself in the mirror as I did so.

I was too fucking ugly. My stomach still had a bit of fat, my thighs only had a medium sized gap, and my smile was goofy. I don't know how anyone could like me.

(P.S, you're perfect the way you are! I'm not glorifying anything, or at least not trying to!)

I sighed and put the hoodie and jeans on, and went downstairs, ignoring the fact my parents weren't here.

They never were, they always worked. They left me and my sister alone, by ourselves.

I grabbed my backpack and threw my socks and shoes on, heading downstairs. I put a bagel in the toaster and waited.

My little sis came downstairs.

"Hi Lover!" She said, waving and smiling at me.

I was too fucking tired at this point, so I faked a smile and a happy voice. "Hey, Speak! What's up?" I asked.

She shrugged and sat down at the bar.

She waited for the bagel to come out, I gave her cream cheese and gave her the bagel. She smiled and took it.

"Wait-" she paused, looking at me, and I had sat down next to her.

"Hm?" I asked.

"Where's yours?" She asked with a furrowed eyebrow.

"I'm not hungry, you eat," I instructed.

She looked at me weirdly and started eating.

"Why are- *chew* you never *chew* hungry?" She asks.

"Just not a food person," I replied simply, getting up and finishing grabbing my school stuff.

She nodded and finished her bagel, putting her plate in the sink.

"D'you know when mom and dad get back?" She asked.

I sighed and shook my head.

"They're probably not gonna be back till the end of the month," I said with a sad smile.

My heart shattered as her smile faded and she nodded at me.

I sighed. "What about I take you for ice cream later?" I offer. Her face lights back up and she nods vigorously.

I fake grin and kiss her forehead, grabbing her backpack and handing it to her. She grabs her shoes and we wait for the bus.

The bus comes, we hop in. She goes and sits by her girlfriend folklore, I sit by my best friend, Reputation.

"Hiii," I say, faking a smile.

"Hey, lov," she says, smiling. I sit down close to her and lean my head on her shoulder.

She wraps an arm around my shoulders, and offers an earbud. I take it and she turns on mean girls.

I genuinely laugh at some of the scenes.

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