~+ Chapter 8 +~

281 19 113

A/n: anyway guys so like um yeah so


Rep's Pov:

"Hey lover?" I asked.

She hummed and looked at me.

"Why do you always wear hoodies?" I asked, confused, as it was hot out.

"Um. They're comfy." She replied.

I raised an eyebrow but said nothing else. Maybe they were just comfy to her.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Probably Folklore, Speak's girl," she replied.

"Hm." I got up and moved her to her feet, she leant on me as we walked to the door.

We unlocked it and opened it.

It's not folklore.

There's two figures- oh. OH.

"Mom, dad?!" Exclaimed Lover, springing away from me.

"Hey Lover, where's your sister?" Asked Lover's mom.

"Oh. She's in her room..." replied Lover quietly.

They were gone for a few weeks, and the first thing they ask is where's speak now?

Now my girl's sad.

I slung my arm over her shoulder.

Her dad raised a brow as he entered the house after his wife.

"Hi, sir," I greeted with a nod.

He nodded back slowly.

Lover's mom was way worse then Lover's dad.

Her dad was nicer, he listened more, he asked more things, but he always put his wife first, taking her side.

"Lover, Speak Now says you got a B- on social studies?" Her mom demanded, coming down the stairs.

I tightened my arm around her a little, causing her to lean on me.

"I-oh... um... y-yeah," she muttered, picking at her nails.

"Yeah, well, we need to talk about that." Her mom said strictly.

"Honey-" her dad started.

"No! She can't get a B-! She needs to keep her grades way up!" Her mom cut him off with a yell.

Lover flinched and ducked further into me.

I slid my arm down and played with her hair a bit to calm her.

"I-I'm sorry," lover said.

"Which boy's distracting you??" Her mom demanded.

"N-no boy," she replied.

Her mom rolled her eyes and took a step closer.

I could practically feel the fear radiating off Lover.

She looked so petrified, like a child just getting shat on by a seagull.

Why's she so scared? It's just her parents...

"Lover, don't fucking lie to me," her mother demanded.

"I-I'm not! There's no boy, I-I promise," Lover shivered.

"What the fuck do you mean??" Her mom yelled.

"I'm gay!" Lover blurted.

Her mom froze. Her dad had a little smirk on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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