twenty five.

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i am so shitty with updates right now. but, i also know the end is coming up soon and i don't want this book to finish too fast. however, im still apologizing because i promised faster updates and i haven't followed through on that. please enjoy this chapter though.


I was released from the medical ward over a week ago and Harry and I are still no closer to getting out of here. Though, on the bright side, I haven't had any other mental hiccups or panic attacks or anything like that. For the most part, I seem to be coming back to normal. At times, I question what's real, but Harry always reminds me. I appreciate his patience.

I'll never be able to verbalize how grateful I am that he's sticking with me through all of this. I know how difficult it is for him to see me this way and have me falling in and out of love with him on a constant basis. But, things have been okay lately. I'm hoping we can get out of here soon before something else happens.

Yesterday, I met with Harry and the boys at lunch. Bambi came and told us to meet her in the library today after breakfast. So, the six of us shovel food quickly into our mouths, anxious for what she wanted to meet us all for. I know Harry's glad to see the boys again. He was worried about them as well. I don't even want to think about Serena right now. My imagination is too dangerous. Of course, I'm insanely worried about her, but worrying about her won't help her or me. So, what's the point in doing it?

Given my mental state, I have very little room to multitask. I have to remind myself of what's important to focus on at every moment. And in this moment, my main focus is finishing this breakfast so we can go talk to Bambi.

I'm the first to finish, after chugging my apple juice and slamming my cup down on the table, so everyone knows I'm finished. "Are you all done?" I ask eagerly, though, I can see that they're not.

Harry smiles and places his arm around my shoulder. "It's okay. Bambi isn't going anywhere."

"You don't know that." I whine and push my hair out of my face. "She could be risking a lot to even wait for us right now."

Harry doesn't answer. He looks into my eyes thoughtfully and continues to chew his food. I want to know what he's thinking. He swallows and leans in, kissing the top of my head.

"She's fine, Jade." Liam speaks up and I look over to him. My relationship with Liam has become less complicated. He has a new found respect for me after everything I've endured. Most importantly, he has finally stopped referring to me as princess. I mean, he's still an asshole and annoying as hell, but in the best way possible. He's like a younger brother to me now. Except, he's older.

It's complicated.

"Don't worry your pretty little head." He smiles warmly at me and I smile back.

"All right, Liam. Go easy." Harry says protectively and puts his arm around my shoulder.

Liam shrugs and continues to eat. He swallows and looks over at me. "Sorry. It's just, I'd be lying if I said I don't think Jade is beautiful."

My eyes widen and I blush. Liam is the last person I would expect a compliment from. This is mildly uncomfortable, but, only because Harry's here. Obviously, I'm still flattered. Harry narrows his eyes, as if he's confused by Liam's words.

"Back me up here, boys. Is Jade not the most beautiful girl you've ever seen?" He looks around the table. Zayn nods and I feel my cheeks flush. Niall nods in agreement and I blush harder. I didn't know any of them felt that way.

"Well, not the most beautiful." Louis says and I smile, knowing that Serena is the most beautiful girl to him. I'll take that. Being second to Serena is a major accomplishment.

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