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important info at the end


This is the story of Bambi.

But of course, her name isn't really Bambi. It's Georgia Redmond. Or at least, it was. We will refer to her as that until we reach the point in her story at which she becomes, Bambi.

Georgia Redmond was part of the first generation born into Paix. There, it was 2035. In our world, it was 2011. Georgia was raised like most kids are in that world, in the medical facility with all the genetically modified children. She would've had a typical life, had it not been for her sister.

When Georgia was eight years old, she was pulled from the medical facility because her parents had delivered a little, atypical, girl. She was called Jasper.

Georgia was thrilled to have a little sister. She'd always felt out of place among the other kids in the medical facility, so having the opportunity to live with her real family was exciting.

She loved her sister from the moment she laid eyes on her. It's a mystery as to why. They were exact opposites. One was atypical, the other was not. One had fiery, red, hair; the other did not. One was blind, the other was not.

One would grow up and find herself in the country's most heavily guarded prison, the other would not.

In fact, the other would grow up to work in it.

Eleven years pass. Jasper has been under constant torment from the other atypicals at her school because of her blindness. For years, she's been able to ignore it, but one day, she can't.

Georgia was at home, enjoying a book, when she'd heard her mother downstairs, screaming. Naturally, she ran to see what was happening and saw her mother on the phone. She was distraught. That was obvious. Eventually, Georgia came to find out that her sister had just been admitted to Pentival Prison.

Jasper's parents were angry, but no one was more upset than Georgia.

That was her little sister.

She couldn't leave her in that massive prison all by herself with a throng of criminals. She came to one logical solution: work there.

With Georgia's accumen and hard work, she passed her guard's exam easily. Within just a few months, she found herself within the walls of Pentival as well. Though, she was the only guard with a purpose outside of taunting and harming the prisoners. Her sole purpose was to look out for her sister until she could come up with a way to get her out.

There was no simple way to get her out. And even if she did, where would they go? Jasper couldn't go back to school, people would recognize her.

Then there was the day that changed everything. Georgia witnessed her own sister being dragged through the halls, crying out for help, and Georgia couldn't do anything about it. She didn't know where they were taking her or what was going on. But she knew if she jumped in to help, everyone would know why she Georgia was really there in the first place.

She needed to let Jasper know she was there without anyone else finding out. So, that evening, she found Jasper's cell. She was locked behind a cold, metal, door. No windows, no bars.

Absolute solitude.

Georgia entered and told Jasper who she was. She had expected Jasper to relieved, happy even. But Georgia received no response. She approached her sister and placed a hand on her shoulder. She turned her around and gasped at what she saw.

Large, red, circles on both sides of Jasper's head. Her flesh was scorched, her expression was empty.

"Jas, it's me." She'd said. "It's Georgia. I'm here to help you."

Georgia felt herself growing more and more frustrated as she looked on at her little sister. She received no response. Jasper looked vacuous. The only thing she seemed capable of doing was breathing. Georgia knew that her brain had been toyed with. That was obvious. But, it took longer for her to realize that her sister, as she knew her, was gone. All traces of Jasper's character and soul had left her.

Georgia wasn't ignorant. She knew that Jasper was practically already dead. So she lost hope. She realized there was no place for them to be safe anymore. There's no point in her being there if Jasper is already gone.

Jasper gave her a purpose. And now she had none.

Heart-broken with the loss of her sister, Georgia ran. She ran out the doors of the prison and as far into the woods as her legs would carry her. She couldn't stand the thought of working in that prison anymore. It would serve as a permanent reminder that she couldn't save her sister. She couldn't get her out in time. Georgia blamed herself.

Emotionally distraught, Georgia decided she never wanted to go back. She was too ashamed of herself. So she ran farther. Eventually, she came upon a strange tunnel. Georgia assumed she'd die in the woods anyway, but she didn't want her body to be found. She wanted to be forgotten and lost the same way her sister was.

So she chose the tunnel.

Georgia ventured through this path until she reached a small, metal door. Curious, she opened it. She never imagined what she would find.

She was confused at first, as anyone would be upon realizing that their entire world was a lie. But the truth eventually settled with her. And, contrary to what most people would assume, the truth only brought her grief and anguish.

The whole time, there was a place for her and her sister. A place where they could've been safe. They could've been happy. Her sister was tormented. Her memories, stolen. Her soul, taken. And it all could've been avoided.

The discovery of the real world was more disheartening for Georgia than relieving. A place where she could be free only held her captive to her guilt. It was her fault. If she had found it sooner, she could've saved her sister.

But her sister was gone. And therefore, her purpose.

And Georgia realized something. She couldn't be happy in that world. But, she couldn't be happy in the other one either. There was nothing left for her. She was content with death. She welcomed it. So she took a blade to her wrists and ended it.

Just as she wanted, her body was never found.

But this is not the end of her story. Georgia's spirit lingered long after she'd died. She appeared to be alive, but was in fact the exact opposite. People cannot be brought back from the dead. But a sprit is free roam once its host has left, if it has another purpose to serve after death.

Her soul went on to serve a purpose. She decided to change her name to something outrageous. Something that couldn't be traced back to who she really was.

And she picked Bambi. The fictional character, Bambi, is a deer. His mother, entirely innocent, was killed by hunters. Georgia's sister, entirely innocent, was killed as well; thus making Georgia like Bambi.

Bambi doesn't eat or sleep. She doesn't need to. She's an angel, after all. She serves one purpose only. Bambi returns to Pentival Prison when someone arrives that doesn't belong. She couldn't save her sister. However, her soul finds contentment in helping other people escape.

The slashes and the blood that stained her wrists the day she died lie with her soul. That is how she died. That is how she'll continue in death.

You see, it's quite remarkable. A young girl, overwhelmed with sadness to the point of taking her own life, uses the after-life to help other people.

This is the story of Bambi.


i've been waiting since chapter twenty to publish this. comment if you have questions (:

I've published the Disclaimer and the Prologue already so, go check it out !!

I'll be taking a very brief break from Wattpad after I publish the epilogue to Forbidden. I just need some time to decompress before I commit to another book. But definitely save Vixen to your libraries now so you'll see when I'm updating !!

that's all from me (:

camryn xxx

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