08 - Backbone

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I need to see Victor, after all, I'm not the only one who got screwed here. His friends — and Jonathan's — are such jerks; they'll definitely torment him for a long time after this, and Jonathan wouldn't defend him. What a situation... I break away from my friends' hug.

"I'm going to look for Victor. And alone," I wipe my tears, but my voice is still shaky.

"Are you crazy, Sherwin?" Yareli asks.

"No, no, no! Terrible idea. He'll beat you until you can't take it anymore!" Parlan warns me.

"I... support it?!" Bria suggests, and we all look at her. "What? I'm into fanfics, I know this could lead to something."

"I-I feel nothing for Victor!"

"Ugh!" She crosses her arms.


I reach the other wing of the school and find Victor at the water fountain.

"Victor?" I say as he turns towards me. I'm startled by his appearance; he has large, purple bruises all over his face, clearly from Jonathan's beating.

"What do you want here, fire-head?" He snaps angrily, tears in his eyes. "Get lost before I pound you, weirdo."

"Don't you want to talk?"

"Go see if I care!"

"Ah, here come the little girls," Gibson arrives with Denver, Lawson, Shepherd, and Chelsea. They've always made fun of my small group. "Are we interrupting something?" He taunts me and Victor, putting his hand in his pocket.

"Shut up--" Victor tries to defend himself.

"Hey, simmer down," Denver shoves Victor. "Who do you think you are talking to us like that?"

Victor stays quiet.

"Crybabies! Crybabies!" Shepherd and Lawson chant.

"How did we hang out with you for so long? Disgusting," Chelsea smiles, proud of what she just said. I've never liked that girl.

Gibson continues to shove Victor, and I step in front to try to protect him. Denver laughs, spits in my face, and trips me. Then, he punches Victor, knocking him down. Those five idiots walk away, laughing at us.

My heart is racing; all I want to do now is cry, but I need to stay strong. How could this happen so quickly? I help Victor up as he looks at the ground, quietly crying. I try to hug him.

"V-Victor, you don't need-"

"You... s-stay away from me!!!" He runs off.

I start to cry, alone. I've ruined Victor's life; his friends will never accept him in the group after our kiss, and he didn't do anything wrong. I don't even know if he likes boys too, or if he just can't react properly to things, just like me. Why does everything have to be so hard? I never should have done that. I still don't know what happened in that cafeteria.

I wipe my tears and take a deep breath.


I leave school with a tear-streaked face and see Parlan leaning against the wall, arms crossed, looking down.

"Parlan?" I ask, and he looks up at me, smiling.

"Took you long enough. I thought you'd sleep at school," he jokes, and we laugh.

"Well... There's a dorm, so it's a possibility," I chuckle. "Why were you waiting for me?"

"Wouldn't go home without my best friend."

We hug and start walking towards our homes. Parlan and I live on the same street, very close; the only difference is he's at the far end.

"Tough day," he breaks the silence.

"Yeah... Didn't get the classes or what happened outside of them."

"Had no idea you were gay. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Shame... Maybe fear too, and I was right to keep it to myself. Didn't you see the mess it caused?"

"Oh, I saw! And there's also my thing with Alice..."


"Yeah, but she doesn't know it yet. It's all in my head."

"You're crazy," I say, and we both laugh. "Why not give it a shot with her?"

"No, better not. Gibson would kill me. He likes her too."

I sigh deeply.

"Gibson hit me and Victor."


"Yeah. He and those other jerks from his group... But it was worse for Victor."

"I hate them."

"I know. And... wow! I went from being the shy, invisible guy to the school's 'fairy,' then got the reputation as a player, and finally, a traitor. All in one day!"

"Tough day," he repeats what he said earlier and laughs. "And a 'player'? You've only kissed one person so far."

"Jonathan and Victor. So it's a two," I count on my fingers and show Parlan.

"Feeling pretty confident now, Sherwin!" He punches my arm, laughing. "But seriously, does Victor kiss well?"

"Can't remember. Maybe I should try it again," I laugh with him, sniffling.

We're almost at our houses, goofing around on the sidewalk.

I don't make it clear, but I'm worried about what might happen tomorrow. Would Victor and I get beaten up again? Would they hassle me again? They only didn't hit Jonathan because he's more popular and stronger, otherwise, they'd have beaten him too. How's he doing now? So many questions and very few answers.

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