"I-Iris.. sh-she-"

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Seven: "I-Iris.. sh-she-"

Neptune was in the asteroid belt by his orbit, alone again. Iris came up from behind him and pulled him out of it (behind it), and then threw him back in. Neptune was confused why she did this, by then felt her touch his stomach, then move to his sides. Neptune did not like this very much at all. He tried to run away, but Iris (again), pulled him back in. Neptune tried screaming, but Iris hit his head hard enough it made him unconscious.

Neptune woke up outside the solar system. Uranus was asking where he was (he heard his phone go off), and tried to answer it, but he couldn't move. He managed to answer the call and said he didn't know where he was. He said he was tied up and that his head hurt badly. Uranus knew where he was and said he was on his way there.

Iris came back in and touched Neptune's chest from behind without warning. She started to kiss him when he said he didn't like it. This made him feel uncomfortable and felt like this was his fault. He had an argument with Uranus and left after they were done fighting. He hid away from everyone because he was upset and mostly angry over what they argued over.

Uranus walked into the room while Iris was touching Neptune in places she shouldn't be. Neptune looked very uncomfortable and was crying. Uranus brought Saturn and Jupiter with him to help. They distracted Iris while Uranus untied Neptune's hands. Neptune apparently was kissed by Iris on the neck, and she also bit him a few times. Neptune was sensitive in the areas she touched, kissed, and bit him. Iris saw this and pulled Neptune towards her. Neptune wasn't tied up anymore and fought back. He pulled his trident out and stabbed her with it to slow her down. Jupiter and Saturn started to run and they signaled the other two to follow. Uranus trailed behind and was caught by Iris. Iris threw him against a sharp asteroid, stabbing him in the head.

Uranus caught up eventually, but he was very weak from bleeding so much. Neptune was worried about Uranus because he thought his best friend was going to die. He was shaking and crying from everything that had happened that day. He was worried, scared, and overall, traumatized.

Neptune fell asleep on Uranus's shoulder. Iris was watching them through the window. She waited for them both to fall asleep and then kidnapped Neptune.


(This is a conversation between Neptune and Iris.)
Iris: "So you decided to leave ? "
Neptune: "Yes, but-"
Iris: "So you admit you decided to abandon me when I have loved you dearly ? "
Neptune: "Well, you made me extremely uncomfortable with where you were touching me and-"
Iris: "But I love you and you love me too."
Neptune: "I love you as a friend, not as a girlfriend. I've literally told you I'm gay."
Iris: "You did. I know you like me, baby."
Neptune: "Apparently the word gay means I like girls. Nice. Also no, gay means I like men."
Iris: "So if I was a man, you would love me back ? "
Neptune: "Probably not. You do control me and hurt me for taking too long to do things."
Iris: "Well, I don't care. I love you and want to feel you."
Neptune: "I dislike when you touch me.. it hurts sometimes."
Iris: Starts to touch Neptune's sides and kiss his neck again
Neptune: Pushes Iris off him "I told you, please do not touch me like that ! "
Iris: Hits Neptune hard enough to make him unconscious
Neptune: "Ow ! That actually hurt ! "
Iris: Continues trying to make Neptune unconscious, then gives up and leaves
Neptune: "I have to get out of here. Is there a map or anything around ? " Looking around for something to help him escape, and notices a camera and metal bar
Neptune: Takes the bar and breaks the camera so Iris can't see what he's doing "Hopefully that works.. I'm taking this with me though. She took my trident from me, and I'm going to go find it." Tries to stand
Neptune: "I feel dizzy.. I'm going to try getting out of here.. I think it'll pass eventually.."

Neptune Angst (with some fluff ofc)Where stories live. Discover now