"Neptune... None of us knew you felt this way.. We're sorry.."

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This story has two endings. I will make both endings in this, just look for the words “Ending One” and “Ending Two”.

Eight: “Neptune… None of us knew you felt this way.. We're sorry..”

Neptune was alone. No one was there for him. Uranus was busy, and Saturn and Jupiter were far away from him. The inner planets don't know him at all, and they're too far away to even hear or see him. Neptune felt like he was useless. Like he didn't matter and shouldn't be there.

He saw a very sharp asteroid. He wanted to slam his head into it as hard as he could. He hated existing because of how painful it was. Iris always tortured him very painfully, and would SA him sometimes too. He hated the way he looked. The purple spot on his face looked really bad and he thought it ruined his face. He slammed the asteroid at his chest instead. It hurt in a relieving way. He continued to do this until he felt like he was going to pass out from bleeding. The sting felt really nice to him though.

He went to Uranus (he had dried blood on his shirt, but covered it with his coat) and talked for a while. Uranus noticed Neptune was looking more tired and.. well… looked like something was wrong. Uranus hugged him and asked if was feeling okay.


Uranus: “You okay mate ? You look tired.”
Neptune (very sleep deprived and injured): “I'm fine..” Hugs back weakly
Uranus: “Mate, you sound awful. Go sleep and I'll help you. You're also not hugging me as tight as you usually would.” Picks Neptune up bridal style
Neptune: “Put me downnnnnnnnn-” Trying to make Uranus drop him
Uranus: “No. You're resting, and I'm bandaging you up, whether you like it or not.”
Neptune: “Fineeeeeee…” falls asleep

{ Context: Neptune hasn't slept in a week (7 days). Uranus is worried about him, since Neptune has been seen with numerous scars across his arms and his legs. He has pretty large bags under his eyes that basically say what’s been happening. }


Neptune went along with it, still feeling really stressed and tired. Uranus held him and made sure Neptune couldn't hurt himself (Uranus took every sharp object out of his room, minus the posters) with anything. He stopped the bleeding, and then bandaged Neptune’s chest so he could heal properly. Neptune fell asleep on Uranus's shoulder while they watched a movie.

Ending One: “He's gone, Uranus. I'm sorry, but I couldn't save him.”

Once Neptune left almost fully healed, he went back to the empty sadness of the asteroid belt by his orbit. He saw the same asteroid from last time, and bashed it into his head, almost killing himself. He did this again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, until he couldn't see anymore. He blinded himself without realising it. He felt the asteroid and continued to hurt himself until he couldn't feel anything. He stabbed it into his head, then he blacked out.

Uranus found him. He was breathing, but barely. His head was bleeding a lot and Uranus saw his eye was out of the socket and next to Neptune on the ‘ground’. Uranus was getting a pulse from him very faintly.

Uranus took him to where Saturn and Jupiter were to see if there was anything they could do to help. Jupiter said he could try to save Neptune.

Uranus waited for what felt like forever. Jupiter finally came up to him after a long time of fear and sadness.


Jupiter: “Hey Uranus.. we need to talk.”
Uranus: “Is it about Neptune ? Is he okay ? Did he wake up ? ! “
Jupiter: “It is about Neptune.. but it's not good.”
Uranus: “What happened then ? ! “
Jupiter: “I'm sorry. I couldn't do anything to save him. I found a note in his pocket that said he wanted to give you this.” Hands Uranus a locket on a necklace “Open it. I haven't yet.”
Uranus: Opens the locket and starts to cry “It's our first selfie together.. and our most recent..”
Jupiter: Hugs Uranus and tries to comfort him
Uranus: Cries even more after putting the necklace on “I won't forget him.. ever..”


Yay my brain learned how to cry again 😍


Ending Two: “NEPTUNE ! “

Neptune saw the same sharp asteroid. He slammed it into his head a few times before seeing one of his eyes come out and was hanging by a few of his nerves, bleeding everywhere on his face. He had the locket he was hoping someone would find in his left pocket. He lifted the asteroid up and closed his eyes, hoping to wake up dead. He felt his arm go limp entirely, thinking he died. Uranus held his arm up so he couldn't hurt himself.


Uranus: “Neptune.. ? Why.. ? “
Neptune: “I- … I'm sorry.. I just.. feel like I shouldn't be here and.. don't deserve you or anyone anymore..”
Uranus: “Mate, I wish you knew how much we all care about you. You have no clue how much we'd miss you being so.. funny all the time. You cheered me up a little when my moons left me. Please, it's not worth it. Everyone would miss you, hell, even the Earthlings would miss you, and they've never even met you.” Hugs Neptune and holds him close, then throws the asteroid away from them “Neptune, it isn't worth it.”
Neptune: Starts to cry very hard while being held by Uranus
Uranus: “Let it all out, Mate. I'm here. You're safe.”


Neptune started to feel better. He was really tired and still had hallucinations. Uranus tried to get him medication for it (hallucinations), and some antidepressants (to help him be happier). Uranus even found happy pills in Neptune's room. He took them and hid them away where Neptune would never find them.

Neptune felt a lot better. Uranus made sure he slept well, and if he didnt, he made sure he got good sleep. Neptune asked for quite a lot of things and Uranus made sure he got those things. Uranus made sure Neptune was getting better. He couldn't lose his best friend.

It's 2am and I'm hallucinating again 😍

Neptune Angst (with some fluff ofc)Where stories live. Discover now