Nine: "I don't miss that place, but I miss my parents..."

22 1 4

Neptune was with a doctor in an all white room. They were stabbing his shoulder with a needle while he cried while his little sibling (X) had been taken out of the room because they were 4 (Neptune is 22). He felt dizzy and passed out on the floor due to what he was injected with.

One of the doctors had taken Neptune to a different room to be experimented on (though he didn't know that yet). He was going to be there for a while. He was chained up to a wall and was electrocuted by the wires attached to his waist by a metal ring because he had tried to fight his way out once he figured out what they were going to do to him.

Neptune has (at this point) been there for 3 years, in that room, alone. That was until a pale cyan planet was thrown in there with him. He said his name was Uranus. Neptune had mentioned he'd been there for a long time (he doesn't know what time really is anymore) and Uranus got scared. Neptune had been in this experiment facility since he was just 2 years old. One of the doctors who had watched him grow up (her name was Aronzu) was still there. The other doctor who watched him grow up and was like his other mother (Aronzu was dating her) was named Sativa. They were like parental figures to him, and he grew up with them as his parents, and they still were parental figures to him. Sativa would comfort him after the experiments, and Aronzu would bandage his wounds and other problems. They would also get him things for his birthday when it came around.

Neptune was extremely hurt after an experiment they did on him. They stabbed him and cut him a few times just to see how he'd respond to pain (but also because they were bored and had nothing to do). Uranus got worried and started to cry over how injured Neptune was. He tried to stop the bleeding, but it was no use. Aronzu and Sativa came in and helped. Neptune was taken to the hospital they had at the facility so he wouldn't die. He was also allowed to see X that day. X cried when they saw Neptune. They missed him a lot over the past 3 years (X is 9, and Neptune is 25). Neptune hugged X and had to leave. X clinged on to his arm and asked if he could ever visit again. Truth be told, he wasn't sure. Probably not, though.

Neptune was taken back to his room with Uranus. The two started talking a lot and bonded over a lot of things.


Neptune: “Haha ! Y’know, I used to be almost the same colour as you are.”
Uranus: “You're not the same colour as me though. You're a medium blue and I'm a pastel cyan.”
Neptune: “They injected me so much my body couldn't handle it and I turned darker over the course of 2 weeks. I'm now stuck like this.”
Uranus: “Oh… do you like hugs ? I never asked that..”
Neptune: “I LOVE HUGS ! “ Pulls Uranus into a hug
Uranus: “That's good..” Melts into the hug


The two stayed this way until they were called into the experiment room. Since Uranus was new to this, and seemed to be good friends with Neptune, he'd need a comfort person for this.

Uranus was injected with a few things that caused some problems. The first one of the three caused Uranus to lose his voice, the second one caused him to be sick (throw up), and the third caused him to be in pain (they couldn't hurt him this early on, so they just did this to see how he reacted to pain). Uranus was crying while Neptune held his hand through it all. Why did they need Uranus to throw up ? Well, they wanted to see what happened. He was taken there for throwing up diamonds. Literal diamonds. They wanted to study the diamonds to see how it worked. Uranus didn't know how old Neptune was, and asked. Neptune said 25, and Uranus said 23.

Neptune Angst (with some fluff ofc)Where stories live. Discover now