Fifteen: "X ? ! Uranus ? ! Are you there ! ? I can't see..."

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Neptune was by himself in the asteroid belt. He was surrounded by sharp asteroids that could kill him with ease. Iris showed up and scared the shit out of him because she never said that's what she'd do. Iris said she needed Neptune to kill someone off. She said Earth’s moon needed to be killed because he was getting in the way. Neptune had no choice but to agree.

Neptune didn't do it fast enough. He never even did it to begin with. Iris ended up doing it herself. She was going to make sure Neptune got a punishment for it.

She cornered him and stabbed his arms. He screamed in pain when she did so. She then decided to tear out his eyes and keep them for herself. He screamed even louder and it sounded even more painful (it was). She put his eyes in her pocket and left him there, unable to see, and in excruciating pain.

Neptune left the asteroid belt somehow. He had to feel around with arms that were practically numb. Uranus saw him and carried him back, screaming for help. Neptune couldn't see anything and started panicking. He had his empty eye sockets covered with his very weak hand. The pain was a lot and he could barely stay conscious from the bleeding.

Neptune passed out in Uranus's arms. His hand fell, revealing what used to be his eyes. Just empty eye sockets. Uranus tilted Neptune's head down and blood rushed out of his eyes. He wasn't awake to feel it thankfully.

Uranus put bandages on Neptune's eye sockets to stop the blood from rushing out as much. He was awake at this point and could feel everything. Uranus cupped his face with his hands and teared up a little. He was mad at himself for not seeing this sooner or preventing it all together. Neptune leaned into Uranus’s hands and rubbed against them to say it was okay (he heard the sniffling from Uranus). He knew who it was because Uranus has a gentle аnd cold touch.

Neptune can sometimes recognise others based off of how they touch him. For example, Uranus has a gentle and cold touch, which is something Neptune recognises without problems. With Saturn, it's just very gentle and he can feel Saturn's smooth skin. With Jupiter, his touch is pretty gentle, but his skin feels different from Saturn, which is how he knows. He doesn't know how the inner planets are other than Earth. Earth’s touch is a little less gentle, but he doesn't want to hurt Neptune. It's also very warm compared to the others. For those wondering, Neptune's touch is very cold. He has some scars on his hands that Iris madе аnd you can feel them on his fingers. His touch is a little warmer than Uranus, but still pretty cold.

Neptune was trying to get used to being blind. It wasn't easy at first. No one else knew he was blind except Uranus. Saturn was the next to know about it because Neptune was feeling around and he asked why. Neptune moved the bandages from his eye sockets (he needed to change them anyways) and Saturn hugged him and said he could help him get around if he needed it.

Neptune was walking around and wandered too far. He was getting scared because he couldn't see at all and he was unable to feel anything because he was in an empty area. He called for help but no one could hear him. He called for X, who did hear him. They didn't know he was blind and asked what was wrong. He explained and X helped him around too.

Neptune was learning to sense when someone is close to him. He could feel their presence near him. He didn't know who it was exactly, but he could feel someone close to him.

Uranus was nervous. He didn't want Neptune to end up really hurt again. Where his eyes used to be was still sore (he literally had his eyes torn out without warning, and they were pulled really hard). His eye sockets were a bit red and looked inflamed by something.

Turns out Neptune has an infection. He had to get medicine for it and it would get better. It was pretty painful for him because it was a burning pain. It would take about two to three weeks to heal up.

Neptune was pissed at Iris and wouldn't talk to her at all. She still had his eyes, but they weren't with her at the moment. He couldn't see her and was happy about it because he hated her.

(This part is Neptune's POV.)

I hate Iris. I wish I never trusted her. She tore my eyes out. I heard some news about something but I don't remember what it was. Uranus has been around me all the time, never leaving me alone for some reason. I don't know why, but I wish I did.

I wanted to kill Iris. She has done enough damage to everyone. She shouldn't be alive anymore.

I have a plan. I'm going to kill Iris tonight. I'll be able to sense her presence and stab her with my trident.

( End. )

Neptune went over to Iris and attacked her. He stabbed her with his trident and she lost consciousness. Uranus went over to where he was and saw what Neptune did. Neptune started to drink Iris’s blood and then started to choke. Uranus made sure to get all the blood out of Neptune’s mouth and started to try getting the blood he was choking on out. Uranus got it out and Neptune threw it up on Uranus. Neptune kept apologising for it and Uranus told him it was fine and he literally couldn't see and that it was an accident. The two of them left and went back to their orbits.

Uranus went to the asteroid belt and Iris was there. She spotted him and decided he was done for. She stabbed Uranus, which was almost deadly. X saw this and decided to get Neptune for help. Uranus was taken to the hospital. His heart rate was slow and his breathing was shaky.

Days later Uranus passed away. He stopped breathing in his sleep and his heart stopped. The doctors tried to help him but it was no use. Neptune and X got the news and Neptune was really upset over it.

Neptune cut Iris’s head off. He was pissed because he knew she killed Uranus. He drank her blood, and he didn't choke this time. It was nice seeing her finally dead.

The sadness was getting to him. Uranus had been dead for 24 years. He wanted it to end. X was really sick and was probably going to pass away too. His head hurt and his hands were burning with pain. He felt where a knife was and where his wrist was, then sliced as deep and hard as he possibly could. He felt around for his torso and cut there too. He sliced all the way down.

Neptune got some news that X wasn't going to be able to make it. They were too weak and sick to go on. This would be the last moment they would live together.

Neptune went to X and hugged them. They hugged back very weakly. They laid back down and closed their eyes. Neptune said he'd never forget them and gave them a kiss on the head. Neptune then heard X flatline and they passed away. He started to cry and held their hand. Uranus had donated an eye to Neptune when he died. X wanted Neptune to have their necklace.

Neptune lost everything when that happened. It had been 12 years. He wanted to end it. His body ached with pain when he stabbed his stomach and cut his arms to the point where his left arm barely looked like an arm. He raised a knife to his head and pushed it deep into his skull, killing him immediately.

He woke up dead. He saw X and Uranus nearby and slowly walked over. His arm came off while he was walking over. Bright red blood was dripping from the missing arm. He said hi and Uranus turned around. He hugged Neptune. X hugged him too. Neptune could see them again. Uranus had really long hair and his face had less acne. Neptune was a little confused at first but recognised them instantly.

The three of them were together forever.

THIS ONE IS WHOLESOME 😭 (in my opinion)

Neptune Angst (with some fluff ofc)Where stories live. Discover now