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The loud cheering and screaming outside my window told me what had happened, Jane-Anne Deveraux was dead, her death sentence a result of doing magic without permission.

Marcellus was no doubt putting on a show for our little vampire community. I had told him again and again how much I hated the public executions and refused point blank to partake, I found them cruel and unnecessary.

I knew the witches had to be kept in line, especially after the whole harvest fiasco; but did he have to make a spectacle of the whole thing? The answer was yes, to think the little baby I had delivered all those years ago, whom I had watched grow up was now a little show-off.

Marcellus was a showman at heart, whether it was being the host of a fabulous party, laying down the law or doing his bit for the city, he did it with his own unique style.

I sighed placing down my ancient copy of Jane Eyre, knowing there was no use in trying to finish it, I practically knew the tale by heart yet never got tired of it.

I looked at the clock and decided I might as well get ready for the party that happening later, here in the compound. It was expected that I make an appearance, as I didn't attend the last one, the party may never end but I did need a break occasionally.

I settled for a short burgundy body-con dress, with cut-outs about the bust area. I paired it with some gold six -inch, strappy stilettos and a metallic cuff that I placed on my right wrist. I left my hair in its usual state of unkempt, golden waves and put on some mascara and nude lipstick.

Just as I was putting the finishing touches on my look, Marcel came bursting through my bedroom doors with a scared expression

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Just as I was putting the finishing touches on my look, Marcel came bursting through my bedroom doors with a scared expression.

"What happened?" I knew him well enough to tell there was something serious happening.

"He's back Lulu, he's back," he told me as he paced the length of my room, rubbing his hands over his head, it was a nervous tick of his.

"Slow down little love. Who's back?" I questioned, standing in front of him to stop his movements.

"Klaus, he's back!" he exclaimed, waiting for my reaction.

My eyes widened, I placed my hand on my stomach as I felt as though the breath had been literally been knocked from my body.

"How? When?" I shot at him desperate for answers.

"Today at the bar. He was looking for Jane-Anne, she lured him here".

"For what?" I questioned.

"I don't know but he's up to something, wants to know how were controlling the witches. Also, I don't think he's leaving anytime soon" he scoffed playing with his fist in one of his hands, yet another nervous tick.

"Well, look's like we'll have to do some investigating and try to make his stay as brief as possible" I replied trying to be the voice of reason.

Marcel was panicking badly, so I had to be the calm one in this situation, even though on the inside I was a mess. Why after all this time was he back? And if Klaus was here it was only a matter of time before the other Mikaelsons followed. The city becoming infested with originals wouldn't be good for anyone they destroyed everything they touched, Marcel and I were proof of that.

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