Pixies and Parties

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After the whole Thierry fiasco and the Mikaelsons shocking return I decided to lay low for a couple of day's in other words I was avoiding Klaus like the plague.

I had a feeling Marcel knew what I was up to but I used my little pixie as an excuse, she was the bright spark in my life right now and I adored spending time with her.

"You spoil her" Marcel joked, and he was right but I couldn't help it.

I had always had a strong maternal instinct, and I loved caring for people, as a young girl I dreamed of a house full of children, yet life had other plans.

Although biologically I never had a child, I was blessed with a son, my Marcellus whom I was extremely proud of, he was and always would be the love of my life.

"I spoiled you no, I still spoil you" I replied kissing his cheek as I packed all the new things I had bought for my pixie earlier today.

"Well I am adorable" he smirked making me roll my eyes playfully.

I picked up the large bag I had packed then and threw it over my shoulder ready to leave when Marcellus stopped me.

"Listen before you go there's something you should know".

I dropped the bag putting my hands on my hips readying myself for whatever he had to say.

"Klaus and I made a deal he gave me something to keep our mind's at ease while he's here," he said scratching the back of his neck, which told me he was nervous.

"Well, what is it, Marcellus?"

"He gave us Elijah daggered" he spoke quickly.

"He daggered Elijah just like that because you asked him to? I shouldn't be surprised. Great, he's going to be even more of a loose cannon without Elijah" I sighed in frustration.

Elijah was the only person who could keep Klaus well sane, and now he was daggered in a box.

"Klaus will behave we talked it out and if he doesn't we have leverage," he said trying to ease my worry.

"Marcellus he's not our friend he is still the enemy and he's up to something, I know it. Do not let him worm his way back in! You may think you know him but you don't, it's been a century he left us not the other way around remember that" I told him.

Marcel always looked up to Klaus, he put him on a pedestal, but when they all ran from the city it destroyed us both and I couldn't bear to see him hurt again.

"Just be careful little love" I spoke softly pulling him into a hug.

"I will lulu" he promised, but he broke that promise not twenty-four hours later.

"You did what" I screamed at Marcel the next day as I was on my way out the door again.

"Please calm down Lulu, I know it was wrong but she was going to kill Cami I had to" He tried to reason with me.

Cami was the new bartender in Rousseau's who Marcel had taken a shine to.

"The bartender is nothing but a little crush, a thing to pass the time you said, and now because of that little crush you've put Pixie in danger by exposing her to the originals. Do you not think Rebekah is going to run straight to Klaus and tell him all about her" I shouted, losing my temper which I rarely did.

"Rebekah won't remember her location" he spoke.

"It doesn't matter they still know she exists Marcellus" he flinched at his full name, he knew I was livid now. The only thing I asked when Klaus came to town was not to reveal Pixies existence.

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