Part 6

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I opened my eyes in the dark.

Lu Xuan was lying next to me, his hand resting on my waist, holding me tightly in a possessive manner.

I used the moonlight to carefully outline Lu Xuan's face with my eyes.

I looked for a long time, more intently than I had ever looked at any snake.

I was about to leave, but an inexplicable impulse suddenly surged within me.

I leaned in, mimicking what I had seen humans do in TV dramas, and quietly planted a kiss on Lu Xuan's lips.

It was just a simple touch of lips, yet my eyes suddenly felt hot.

I couldn't delay any longer. In a panic, I transformed back into my original form.

That unfamiliar feeling finally subsided.

I slowly crawled out.

But I couldn't help turning back frequently.

I was afraid Lu Xuan would think I had gone missing again, so I thoughtfully set up a scheduled message on his phone:

"Lu Xuan, I am actually male, so I can't be your wife. I'm leaving now."

He would receive it the next morning, and by then, I would be long gone.

I opened the window, planning to sneak out from there.

The spring breeze hit my face, and I took a deep breath, ready to jump out.

But suddenly, I heard Lu Xuan's voice behind me.

"It is so late now, where are you going?"


I was so startled that I almost fell off the windowsill.

I turned around to see Lu Xuan half-leaning against the headboard, one hand touching his lips, looking at me with a soft, wistful expression.

Oh no.

Not only had my escape been discovered, but even my stolen kiss had been caught.

I froze in place, my tail tip twitching wildly, as I watched Lu Xuan walk toward me.

Realizing there was no way to hide, I braced myself and confessed.

"Spring... spring has arrived..."

Lu Xuan was already playing with my tail tip. He responded nonchalantly, "Mm, so what?"

I gathered my courage to continue, "I... I need to go back to the forest."

Lu Xuan's voice still sounded calm, but the strength in his hand was growing stronger.

"You want to go play in the forest? I can go with you."

"No... no need for you to come with me!"

After stuttering for a while, I finally blurted out the truth in one breath:

"Lu Xuan, I'm actually male!"

Contrary to my expectations, Lu Xuan didn't seem surprised at all.

He continued stroking my tail.

"Really? I don't believe it."

Lu Xuan appeared to be checking seriously, but his mischievous actions seemed intentionally playful.

His cool fingers brushed against my cloaca, and my whole body began to tremble. My tail thrashed wildly in the air, trying to break free from Lu Xuan's grip, but he firmly held me down.

"Alright, alright, don't be nervous."

He soothed me with gentle strokes, but his hand did not pause its actions. Those soft lips, which I had secretly kissed, pressed against my little head as he cooed to me softly:

"Be good, don't be afraid."

He played with me thoroughly, flipping me this way and that.

By the end, even if Lu Xuan just touched me lightly, I couldn't help but whimper and tremble all over.

"Still planning to run away, hm?"

I coiled my whole body tightly, curling myself into a ball and hiding my tail deep inside.

"You... you..." You're bullying a snake!

Lu Xuan chuckled softly, his voice hoarse:

"Little dummy, I always knew."


I looked up at him, shocked.

"Do you think your disguise was that good?" Lu Xuan winked at me. "I knew you were a male snake from the start."

I was even more shocked.

"If you knew, then why did you still..." I couldn't finish the sentence, puffing up my cheeks in anger as I glared at Lu Xuan.

"Wasn't it you who tried to scam me first?"

"Wasn't it you who said you wanted to be my wife?

"Wasn't it you who wrapped around me, saying you wanted to warm my bed?"

Lu Xuan moved closer:

"In winter, you came to me every day, seeking snuggles, even stealing kisses in the middle of the night. And now that spring is here, you want to run away?

"So what if you're a male snake? We've done everything that should and shouldn't be done. Even if you are male snake, you still have to be my wife! " 

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