Chapter 1: Maybe i should go back

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Warning!! Smoking, drinking, swearing.

Friday, 5:30pm After Rodys shift


Rodys Pov:

'Finally', I thought to myself as I finished cleaning the last table, looking around the restaurant with a soft smile. My last day at the
La Gueule de Saturne. Its been a lot working here.. especially being the only server and dealing with impatient customers all day. But.. atleast now I have a good amount of money to take Manon somewhere nice.. somewhere she deserves to go.

I smile as I turned to leave the Bistro but was stopped by a voice calling me.

"Rody? Leaving so soon?", it was Vincent, my boss. I sighed as I turned to him and nodded my head, "Yeah Vincent- I've finished my shift and the place is as clean as ever. And I do have stuff I need to get going to."

Vinecent raised his brow at me before walking over and placing a plate of food in my hand, it was a steak dish. He always gave me the leftovers, I wasn't sure why but I never ate them. They were rather bitter.

"Take that with you, as a goodbye from the restaurant" Vincent said, he sounded quite sad, sad that I was leaving maybe? I'm not sure.. his expression stayed the same cold frown, as it has been the past week.
"Oh! Uh- thank you, Vincent. It was nice getting to work here.. I'll see you around yeah?" I said with a smile before walking out the restaurant.

Vincent just watched as I walked out, a bit creepy if I do say but I didn't care. I got onto my bike and rode off to the nearest pay phone and I grabbed some spare change from my pocket. I was calling Manon, I hope she answers..

The phone rang, and rang and rang...
But no one ever picked up. I kept trying and trying until I had no more money in my pocket. "She's not there.." I mumbled to myself, my head hanging low as I just stared at the phone, hoping she may ring back..



Vincent's Pov:

I finally closed up the restaurant, and was going to the usual bar I go to after work. It's been a stressful day and I have to go through the hassle of hiring another waiter after Rody left.

As I was walking I heard faint mumbles from a familiar voice coming from a pay phone, I knew exactly who it was as I walked over. Seeing Rody mumbling to himself. What an idiot. I tapped his shoulder and he turned to me. He looked defeated. Hurt. Upset. It was quite pathetic actually, a little funny to see the sight too.

"What on earth are you doing? Aren't you meant to be at home?" I said sternly to him, before he started tearing up, he held onto my arms and just started crying. I didn't know what to do. This man that had just quit from my restaurant was now crying on my shoulder? Over what? Some girl? Useless..

I didn't move or say much, I let him do what he needed, a disgusted look painted over my face as I stared at him, I felt no remorse. That girl was dead, and he was none the wiser. I patted his back and pulled him off me, tears streaming down his face and snot. He was an ugly Cryer for sure.

"Uhm. How about, we go to a bar and talk it out hm? I don't need your tears and body fluids on me anymore. It's gross." I muttered out hesitantly before leading him to a nearby bar, he followed without question, just sniffling and looking at the ground.

"Why can't she see I do this for her? I love her.. yet she doesn't love me back.." the crying man mumbled to me. I can't lie my heart ached a little, I didn't want to care but, just seeing how much love this man put into some girl. Its quite sad.

I brought us to some seats near the back of the bar and ordered us some whiskeys, hopefully he can handle such.

"Just drink your problems away tonight with me, Rody.."

Maybe you aren't so bad ~ A Dead Plate story ~ Rody x Vincent Where stories live. Discover now