Chapter 2: Why him?

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Warning!! Smoking, drinking, distortion mentions, nightmares, death, cannibalism, swearing, slight sexual intents.

Monday, 4:45pm Rodys shift

Rodys Pov:

"Yes sir, I'll give my compliments to the chef!! Im glad you enjoyed your meal!!" I said with a smile to the paying customer, the final customer of the day. Thank Goodness. I sighed of relief as he walked out and left with his family.

I walked to the kitchen and look at Vinecent and grinned "you have beautiful eyes boss!!" I yelled, which earned every cook turning to me with shock and Vinecent glaring at me.

"What the fuck are you talking about Rody?!" He said, with a glare and a slight pink blush on his face. "Hm? Someone said to give their compliments to the chef??" I said to him, a confused look as the cooks started giggling or trying to hold in their laughs.

"He meant compliment me for the food. Not me you fucking idiot." He snarled at me, and every cook looked at me while laughing. My face turned red as I realised my mistake and I left the kitchen feeling embarrassed. "I'm shut an idiot" I mumbled as walked to the table where I cleaned up the mess. I really didn't want to bring the plates to the kitchen. But I had to.

When I walked in the kitchen I noticed all the cooks were gone, but Vincent was still there. I set the dishes in the sink as I looked at him. He stared at me as he walked over, pulling me by my undone tie into his office- where he slammed the door shut and shoved me into his office chair and glared at me with his arms crossed.

'That was hot' I thought. I blushed lightly as I looked at him, nervous as to what he might say or do. "B-boss? What.. are you doing?" I mumbled. As he walked closer staring through me.

"If you ever. Embarrass me like that infront of my cooks again. I will have your head on a plater. Do you understand me Rody.?", he spoke coldy. It sent a shiver down my spine as I nodded my head.

"Yes boss.." I muttered, avoiding his eyes as I felt a hand grab onto my chin and I was met with Vincent inches from my face. My hearted started to beat faster, he's never been this close. He smirked as he tilted his head staring at me.

"Good boy"


6:30pm Rodys apartment

Rodys Pov:

I was inside my apartment, staring up at the ceiling, the scene from today in Vincent's office replaying in my head.
'Good boy..', that's one thing that kept replaying. He called me a good boy.. then just.. walked out and said goodnight.. leaving me alone in his office and to walk him by myself.

Why did he call me that? Did he mean anything behind it? The feelings I got when he called me it. My heart fluttered. I shouldn't be thinking about it this much.. it didn't mean anything surely.. he knows I love Manon.. and he's a guy and so am I.. he probably done it to get me back. What an asshole.

My thoughts came to a stop when my stomach let out a loud growl. I was starving, I didn't want to risk cooking anything and I didn't feel like takeout again tonight.

I got up from my beat up sofa and headed to the fridge, where all of Vincent's left overs hes been giving me sat. I haven't touched them yet. But one did catch my eye in the moment, steak and potato's. Surely nothing can go wrong with that.

I lifted the plate out and looked at the meal, I didn't want to risk burning it but I didn't feel like eating cold potatoes and steak, I set it in the microwave and only set it in for 30 seconds. I waited until I heard the ding, I lifted out the plate and thankfully didn't burn it. Just made it slightly less cold..

Maybe you aren't so bad ~ A Dead Plate story ~ Rody x Vincent Where stories live. Discover now