Chapter 4: How could you?

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Warning!! Death mentions, blood, violence, swearing.

Thursday, 03:00am Vincent's apartment

Rodys Pov:

Me and Vincent were both sleeping in his bed, it was a lot more comfortable than my sofa at home. He was sound asleep but something was keeping me up, i felt relaxed and safe but I just couldn't manage to fall asleep.

As I stared up at the ceiling and the clock kept ticking, I started to grow bored and restless. 'Maybe I could snoop around, see what things this guys up to or does'.

I've never snooped around his apartment before, apart from at the dinner party he so *kindly* invited me to.. I didn't get very far since he stopped me before I could make it to his room.

I sat up from the bed and looked around the room, it was dimly lit from the moonlight shining it, it was quite nice actually..

As I stood up and started exploring his room, I noticed he had a cabinet on his side of the bed, I looked at him to ensure he was truly asleep before walking over and looking inside, most of it was just papers about his restaurant.

'This man has the most boring life ever..' I thought before I saw a key glitter in the moonlight. Huh. That's weird. I picked it up and it read 'freezer'. His freezer key? To the Bistro? Why would that be here?

I stared at it for a moment before hiding it in my pocket, and I was about to try find more in the cabinet but a hand gripped tightly onto my wrist which earned a slight yelp from me.

I turned quickly to see Vincent was awake and was staring at me with wide eyes. Shit. "Uh- h-hi Vinecent! Sorry I didn't me-an to wake you there.."

"What are you doing in there." He snarled at me.

"Just.. i couldn't sleep so I was trying to maybe find something to help?" I lied, it was a clear lie but he seemed to buy it as he sighed and pulled me back into the bed. He pulled me into his chest and played with my hair. Which managed to make me tired instantly.

"Go back to sleep rody and stop snooping around. You might find things you wish you didn't.." He mumbled before falling back to sleep. I looked at him puzzled but I just shook my head at that thought as I started to drift off to sleep.


Thursday, 9:39am Vincent's restaurant la Gueule de Saturne

Rodys Pov:

Vincent was inside his office and the cooks seemed to be busy with playing a game with themselves without the chef watching over them. The restaurant wasn't gaining any customers yet and I was bored.

While waiting around I remembered about the key I found previously that night and decided to go explore a little around the freezer room. What harm can that do right?

As I approached the freezer room, I made sure none of the cooks were paying attention as I opened the freezer room door and snuck inside. It was cold in here, and was quite full with all sorts of meats and ingredients.

Nothing odd seemed to come of it, looked like a regular freezer room.. so why would it need a lock? As I was looked around, something shiny caught my eye by a meat grinder, the smell coming from it and awful but I pressed on closer.

I reached down and picked up the shiny material and noticed it was a necklace. Huh.. that's odd? Maybe it was Vincent's and he forgot it in here?

I looked closer at it and saw two pictures of people on the inside, as I stared for a moment the realisation came over me. That's me and Manon.. This.. this is Manons Necklace..?

I started to put things together, the awful smell, the meat grinder, the sudden silence from her. Oh God.. And the necklace..

As I stared in disbelief at what I was seeing, I heard breathing from behind me, before I could even react i was knocked to the floor, and that's when everything went black...


?:?? Inside Vincent's freezer

Rodys Pov:

As I slowly awoke from being knocked out cold. I realised I couldn't move my upper body, I opened my eyes to realise I was tied up. Fuck. That bastard tied me up.

I was struggling to fight free from the ropes before I remembered i had matches in my pocket, I barely managed to get them out and light them. But thankfully I was able to burn through the ropes and get up.

My body was freezing and I could barely move. But I need to make it out, I put every last bit of strength in me to shove open the freezer door, it slamming open and making me fall to the ground, where I was met by Vinecent standing above me.

His wide eyes and blank stare sent a shiver down my spine as I scrambled to stand up and back away from him.

"V-vince!! We can t-talk about this surely!!" I desperately looked at him, his expression never changed as he moved closer.

"I never wanted to do this to you Rody.. but I can't risk anyone finding out about what I done. You really were such an amazing boy.. I'm gonna miss you, Rody." He ran at me and gripped onto me, tearing into the side of my face and ripping off my ear.

I let out dreaded scream of pure pain and hurt as I held onto my now bleeding head. I stared at him, choking on my cries as he stared blankly and with blood all over his mouth.

"W-why?! Why are you doing this!! Wh-y me!! Why her!!" I screamed.

"..I saw how much you cared for her. You loved her truly. Yet she never shown a ounce of love for you back. She never talked about you once. You know that? Not a single time. Yet you scrambled over a girl who didn't even appreciate all you done for her. Oh.. I was inspired. Besides.."

He walked closer before gripping onto my hair and making me face him as his expression turned into a sinister grin "you always said I never cooked with love. Well.. I done just that for you.~"

I froze, fuck. I needed to get out of here. I managed to break free from his grip and ran from him. I ran to his office, maybe there was something to help me. As I looked frantically for a weapon or something to get away. I found a broken wine glass on the floor.

I heard Vinecent approaching the office as I grabbed it. I shook as I walked from his office and saw him staring at me, he lunged at me with a cork screw. I panicked and slammed the glass into his neck, ripping it out and earning his blood curlding screams as he hit the floor.

I stared at him, at what I done, blood was all over me..

I managed to walk myself to the freezer where I had once saw oil bottles, and I walked back to his body. His eyes seemed to follow me as I dropped the oil all over the ground and smashed the bottle next to his face.

As tears fell from my eyes, as I looked at the man whom made me feel so safe in times I needed.. the man who let me cry on his shoulder, held me as I slept. The man who promised to be there for me. Was laying dead.. on the floor of his restaurant..

I lit the match and dropped it to the floor, everything bursted into flames as I rushed outside, I did get some second degree burns on my way. But at this point, I felt nothing.

I lost everything I was loved or knew, all because I found that God forsaken freezer key..

As I watched the place burn into flames and sirens approaching. I started to walk into the streets, "I should get something to eat.."



Nobody's Pov:

As Rody walked away to get some food and tend to his wounds. Vincent was alive and felt every ache and burn over his body as he crawled painfully slow to the back door, where he barely managed to make it out alive.

Luckily for him, paramedics were close by and noticed him. Hurrying to his heavily burned body as they brought him to a nearby hospital.

The bastard lived.


Maybe you aren't so bad ~ A Dead Plate story ~ Rody x Vincent Where stories live. Discover now