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Walking thru the hallway of the school, she can see students getting along with their friends or something while they were greeting her with a smile, that's a president for you, jeemin doesn't have any time for that, she knows too much of these students algorithm's.

I don't want to see students getting lovey dovey with their someone in the hallway. I cannot stand it. But that's just jeemin being salty.

Upon entering the office, the whole room was busy, all of them was taking care of something school related, and it was just the start of a school year, why do i have to always be the president? I could careless, this is my third year and they kept on voting me for this position.

Jeemin sighed and sat at her own chair, the people inside greeted her despite being busy, that was also because she was well admired by the officers, well expect saebi didn't greet her, the girl had her two hands on her head like she was getting so stressed. Saebi is the secretary.

Suddenly the front door slammed open revealing koko with a ton of papers, oh good there's another one, koko greeted everyone with a loud tone. And that koko is the vice president.

Koko's gaze landed on jeemin after having to greet her friends inside the office.

"Woah, that's a surprising look" koko said noticing jeemin's face, she was obviously having a hard time already.

"Oh come on, you always see me like this everytime a new school year is open" koko laughed and headed to her own chair while the pile of papers were splitted in half by saebi and koko, and me? I have my own work, having my signature on a damn papers, principals should do this y'know.

I don't even know if this is my responsibility, well the principal is always away, i'm the daughter and they could careless.

"Never knew we have many transfers this year" saebi said lightening up the room to suddenly make a conversation or something, jeemin nodded looking at the students application she worked on few weeks ago, it was still on her desk.

"Oh and someone koko knows transferred here too" koko side eyed on saebi if that was even necessary of her mentioning, jeemin on the other hands was curious but still she believed the curiousity will kill the cat, i never said i'm the cat though.

The two continued chitchatting about random things that would go in their minds while jeemin was just in her own world trying to finish the remaining work that saebi passed to her and is said that the principal wanted it to be done by jeemin.

Seriously? Can't they move without me? What if i was gone? Actually let's not say that.

All of them were excused for the day cause they have their own time, the teachers ofc understood, it was lunch break and it was time for patrolling, jeemin assigned the task on jiyoon since she can be pretty strict and jeemin doubt jungeun would do a great job.

"Whatever, you guys can go together" jungeun clapped facing jiyoon while jiyoon just smiled, seriously? Infront of my papers? Get out.

Jeemin signalled at the door. Girl you too salty

"Jeemin are you seriously not going with us?" Koko raised a brow and saebi nodded while tidying up her desk, who knew she can do that.

Jeemin eyed her papers and it was still many, but she eyed the two who were already at the door and she would be alone here if she's gonna stay behind. She stood up and ran to the girls which made koko laugh.

"Who's the transfer?" Jeemin asked and koko was curious.

"What? I thought you knew" koko said kind of puzzled, almost hitting her head on the locker open.

"She doesn't care" saebi added and jeemin nodded leaving koko with a frown on her face, so what? They'd been friends for 3 years, the 3 of them are surprisingly popular that's why they got together, they're supposed to know each other's personality and attitude but koko could careless.

"Oh well" koko shrugged which made saebi laughed while she clings to koko, she always does, jeemin scoffed seeing how saebi acts when with koko and with her saebi treats her like a bro or something. Jealousy? Not really.

Everything happend so fast and now saebi was thrown towards jeemin and koko was puzzled looking at the girl hugging her, a girl wearing a hoodie and a jogging pants? Who does that on the first day of school?

"I missed you" the girl said looking up at koko and koko had her brows on furrowed. It seems like they know each other.

"Knew you'd be here, don't you miss me?"

"Did you miss the school rules?" Jeemin butted in after shoving off saebi off her, that was kind of rude but she'll make it up to the younger.

The girl's gaze fell on her, getting off of koko she faced jeemin standing with her arms crossed while scanning jeemin like a robot would.

"Most likely?" The girl answered, jeemin doesn't even know this girls name since she's not wearing her uniform or blazer whatever, she's plainly dressing with a white hoodie and a slight grayish comfortable pants.

She feels like having a headache right now, she just don't wanna argue with someone this shameless, i thought jiyoon and jungeun was doing their patrolling thou? God i think they missed this girl then.

"Don't you have your uniform?" The girl made an ahh face like she was actually contemplating on what jeemin is saying, she's not taking me seriously.

Do i really have to do this in a hard way this is so annoying.

"I think i have? But its too bland its just not my taste" the girl said, there's something about her that's just too annoying.. her voice? That stupid smirk on her face or her way of standing right now.

I do understand her thou, the uniform is not my taste too, still its really rude to dress like that, and why is the teachers not even saying anything? Like hello? They're literally passing over them.

"Still its not right to violate rules on the first day of school" jeemin thinks she's way too calm, but she's actually gonna lost it anytime.

"Whatever, you're too honest miss president, you're just like.. me" the girl bit her lips and walked out, the fact is that.. is she feral or something?

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