50 ~ the jabberjays

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Carolina grabbed onto a ridge in the rock floor and held onto it for dear life as the cornucopia spun around at what felt like a hundred miles an hour. The weapons on display at the cornucopia began to shoot off of their racks and fly through the air at dangerous speeds.

Piercing shrieks filled the air around her, and Carolina had no idea if they were coming from her own mouth or from the mouths of people around her. She turned her head to look at the people dangling off the rocks, making sure they were still alive.

Johanna had her ax dug into the rocks, using it to support the weight of her body, and Wiress was covering her head from any fallen weapon that may come her way.

Finnick was a couple of feet away from Carolina, holding Beetee's hand to keep the man from falling off of the island. Peeta was on the other side of them, about a couple of feet closer to the edge

Her gaze then turned to Katniss. The teenager was also holding onto an indent in the rocks, but the one she was holding was much smaller, and her grip was beginning to slip.

Carolina groaned, but she didn't hesitate to let go of her hold on the rocks and fall back to where Katniss was seconds away from falling into the waves. When Katniss's hand fully slipped, Carolina easily grabbed the girl's hand and jammed her spear into a crack in the ground to hold herself up.

Katniss screamed when it happened but quickly recovered. She tried to use her other hand to pull herself up more, but the rocks were too slick from water splashing up on the island. Katniss's hands kept losing their grip.

Carolina felt Katniss's hand slipping from hers and turned back to look at her. If she tried to adjust her grip, Katniss would be thrown into the waves. Carolina thought for a moment about letting Katniss fall into the water.

She knew the girl could swim; Katniss had somehow managed to get to the cornucopia before her during the bloodbath. But Carolina didn't know the extent of the girl's swimming experience. The waves were now large and held enough force that could destroy a small boat. And she hadn't even considered the small portions of the rock that separated each section that were spinning around too.

Could Katniss survive that alone?

Katniss's grip and Carolina's hand slipped once more, leaving Carolina holding only the girl's fingertips.

Carolina thought fast, deciding to turn her body and throw both herself and Katniss into the water.

When their bodies hit the water, Carolina tightened her grip around Katniss's waist and kicked them twenty yards away before bringing them up for air. Katniss began coughing when they surfaced, but Carolina didn't pay any attention to it. Instead, she grabbed her arm and pulled her to the rocks.

When they made it, the rest of her allies were running over to them while Finnick was already there, ready to pull them up. Carolina furrowed her bows at the sight and turned to the now unmoving cornucopia.

Well, isn't that perfect timing.

Johanna and Peeta both surrounded Katniss, hitting her back as she coughed and asking her if she was okay. Finnick tried to do the same to Carolina, but she just brushed him off, promising him that she was perfectly fine.

Carolina walked up to Katniss, who was still bent over on the ground coughing, and took her hand in hers.

"Why are your hands so smooth?" Carolina asked. "You're a hunter."

"I don't know," Katniss coughed more, but Carolina rolled her eyes. "Who cares? Why are you so bothered by my skin right now? There are worse things to worry about."

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