| A Change - Their Shadow - Part 1 |

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new story yippee!!!

thinkin of makin a angst or smth like that but idk how so heres my first attempts

inspo to 20 century girl or however you spell it, that movie omg..

some head cannons btw but your gonna have to find out what they are 

enjoy reeding 87



The elevator was quite boring, not many players, and only Poob and Bive was there to accompany each other. The elevator dinged and dinged with it's slow music playing the background, and the floors appeared as usual.

"Hey, have you heard of the new 'NPC' around here..?"

Poob turned around to face Bive with a curious look on their eyes. "wat, a new npc??", "Don't you know?? THE ONE THAT GOES TO YOUR SUBWAY STATION!" Bive shouted. Poob tried to recall a time where a new guy or whatever was there while they waited for the elevator or subway. "uhhh.. no..?" Poob said, itching the back of their head with their arm raised up. "OH CMON! I need to know if they are a traitor! Or apart of the Clown Government!" Bive worriedly said. 

"WAIT! How about you spy on them so I can get information and make sure they aren't a traitor?" Bive asked. Poob looked around, unfortunately, they were the only one there besides a few players, and also the only few NPCS who goes to the subway. But they were intrigued about the new NPC, and it would be nice having some more company while waiting for any event they were going to. 

"ok then! but were did you hear dis from??" Poob questioned. "From uhh, who was it.." Bive snapped their fingers, trying to remember who was the first to mention them to her. "OH YEAH! It was Pilby and Enphoso." "Enphoso? dont they just stay at their own floor?" Poob said. "Yeah, well I brought some items there and we made some conversation and they mentioned about some walking bug there buying only one thing."

"oo! wut was it?"

"Well they didn't recall what they have brought, but they also refused any conversation, or even saying a hello and goodbye!"

"oh wow.." Poob said with their eyes more curious with thought. 'a walking bug? and they didnt even talk too? dis might b harder than i thought!' Bive interrupted their thoughts, "This is why I need you to get information out of them, since you go to the subway the most often."

Poob still wanted to make a new friend, but they didnt want to fake one just for Bive to conclude they werent fake to anybody. They could just stay friends afterwards, but how do they become friends if they even refused to say just a single 'Hello'? They just had to try.

"ok then, i will try"

The elevator stopped to the subway, "oh dis is my stop! bye bive!" Poob said.

"Didn't you already go there?"

"ye, i jus wanted to b in de elevator"

"Okay then."

They both waved goodbye along with the other players. The elevator shut and it was now silent without the jukebox in the distance. Poob walked along with their mind curious with thought of a new potential friend. 'mayb pilby could get another friend similar to their kind and they could do all sorts of bug stuff together!' Poob thought, 'it would be nice to hear about all the stuff they do as a bug' they giggled to themselves with all the thoughts, but they suddenly noticed a shadow near a vending machine.

They stopped laughing and tried to take a look at whatever was making that shadow, hoping it was one of their friends.

The blue lights lit up their sharp needles pointing up, from what they guessed, their head. Their arms were crossed, with their head facing down and one of their legs stepping on the wall. They wore a cap casting another shadow on their face. Poob glanced at them with suspicion, they were confused what it was.

But then, their eyes opened, in a fierce red, and it looked at Poob back. Poob quickly changed their glance to the floor, feeling anxious. They quickly walked past whatever it was, they still felt stared at by those eyes. And it was like they could just remember that same stare forever.

'dat mustve been them..'

'That mustve been you.'


'i can fix them' ahh story bruh

716 words

tank 4 reading

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