The Grim

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We got our class schedule after breakfast. I had Divinations first.

I was walking up the stairs that led to the classroom. Looking down at my book,I didn't notice someone in front of me. I bumped into them and dropped my book. "Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." I apologized. "No worries, here"

I looked up to see the famous Harry Potter. "Thank you, Harry." He looked at me confused. "Isn't that your name?"
"Yes of course, but usually Slytherins call me something else."

"Oh, sorry."
"It's fine, I've just never met a Slytherin that wasn't an asshole."

I laughed at that. He looked at me confused, almost like he expected me to say something rude. "You don't have to worry about that. I'm kind to you if your kind to me. Not like my brothers." He furrowed his brows and tilted his head. "Who are your brothers?"

"Tom and Mattheo Ri-. Thornhill. Tom and Mattheo Thornhill" I wanted to gag at the sound of that 'mans' last name with my brothers.

He nodded and sighed, "Well you sure are different from them." Before I could say anything, the bell chimed.

I nodded to him and he let me pass him. I walked into the attic, seeing all the students already seated. I looked for an empty spot, the only one was next to a Gryffindor. She was pretty.

I walked over and sat down. She looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. She looked taken aback by it but eventually looked back at the front. Soon entered a woman, I assumed was the Professor.

She had a crazy look to her, like she wasn't in her right mind. Her glasses were odd and her hair was bushy and her clothes looked like a gypsy's. A red bandana was wrapped around her head like a headband.

She walked to the front and sat in the seat already there. "In this room, you shall discover if you posses the sight." She stood again but ran into the table in front of her, earning a brief laughter from everyone. "Hello, I am Professor Trewlaney. And together we shall cast ourselves into the future. This time we shall be focusing on tasseomancy. Which is the art of reading tea leaves, so please take a cup of person sitting opposite of you." She made a switching gesture with her hands.

I picked up the cup of the girl across from me and she took mine. "And you see, the thru the behinds this lies deep with in the sentence of a book, waiting to be read. But first you must broaden your minds. First you must look beyond."

This woman must be a real nut job, but she didn't rub me as a person who would make up nonsense. I took a deep breath and looked down at the leaves inside the tea.

From across the room, I could hear a girls voice. "What a load of rubbish." The boy next to her looked at her in confusion. "Where did you come from?" He asked with confusion that could be matched by an infant. "Me? I've been here all this time." She said like she was slightly affended.

The professor turned to a boy and pointed, "You boy. Is your grandmother quite well?"The boy struggled to speak and started stuttering. " I-I think so." She sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. "I wouldn't be so sure of that. Give me the cup." The boy sitting across from him handed her the cup. "Ohhh.Hmm. Pity." She placed it back down and walked away. Leaving the boy to grab it and look at it in a distressed matter.

"Broaden your minds." She said again. She walked up to the three, humming. Then gasped at the red head, frightening him. "Your aura is pulsing, dear. Are you in the beyond? I think your are." The red head nodded. "Sure."

"Look at the cup, tell me what you see." He looked down at it and then back at her. "Oh yeah, umm. Well." He took a second to observe it. The professor humming in... excitment.

He flipped through his textbook pages. "Harry's got sort of a wonky cross. That's trails and suffering, and uh..that there could be the sun, and thats happiness. So uh...your gonna suffer, but your gonna be happy about it." He looked unsure about his response, and looked at his friend for conformation.

"Give me the cup." He handed it to her. When she looked at it, she started gasping and dropped it on the table while backing away. "Oh, dear boy." Her breath shaking. "My dear, you have the grim."

Everyone started whispering and gasping. One boy shouted out, "The grin? What's the grin?" Harry took the cup and looked down at it. Trewlaney was gasping and a boy corrected the other. "Not the grin, you idiot. The grim. Taking form of a giant spectral dog, it's among the darkest omens in our world. It's an omen...of death."

Everyone in the room fell silent and I furrowed my brows. Mother told me of something like that before, but I never paid attention to it.


The rest of the class was her explaining about some of the basics of tea leave reading. The bell chimed and everyone grabbed their things to go. I stayed behind to talk to the woman. "Professor Trewlaney?" She turned to me and smiled kindly. "Yes, dear?"

"You mentioned the Grim, earlier. I was wondering if it can be reversesd. See, my mother told me about it, something about her getting it when she attended here." She looked confused but then her face turned to one of understanding.

"Is your mother, Tessa, by any chance?" I nodded. She sighed and shook her head. "There is no certain way to reverse it. But you can avoided it. Tell her I said hi." She smiled and shoo'ed me away. I nodded in thanks and walked out of the classroom.

When I got outside, everyone was waiting for me. "What took you so long?" My brother whined. I hugged him and gave a breathy chuckle,"I wanted to stay back for a question." He rolled his eyes and we walked down the stairs to our next class.

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