The Morning After

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(T.W. Body Dismorfia.)


I woke up with a headache and a huge pain in my side.

My lips were burning and my jaw was slightly throbbing. I sat up and looked around the room and saw a few girls in their beds. One person I didn't see was Pansy, her bed was empty. The only thing on top of it was her jacket. It was still dark in the room, so my guess was it was still very early.

I stood slowly and walked, stumbled really, to my chest and took out black leggings, a dark green long sleeve shirt and a black knitted cardigan. I grabbed my undergarments and stumble to the laboratory. I closed and locked the door behind me. I cast a muffling charm and started a shower. The stall was cold, so was the water. I stepped in and let the cold water run down my body, the dirt and ugliness coming off and a clean sheet coating me. Let the water wet my hair and then I started washing myself.

After washing myself, I left the water on for a while longer, standing in it and breathing through my mouth. I felt at peace with the world at the moment. Everything didn't matter.

This is why showering is very therapeutic for some people, it helps calm down and unwind the day or night.

After a good two minutes, I turned off the water and got out, wrapping a towel around me. I stepped onto the cold floor, letting the shivers going up my spine comfort me and give me a sense of life. I walked up to the mirror and looked at myself.

I haven't been eating or drinking anything for a while. It's not doing any good to my body, I feel more tired and less energized. Everything in my body hurts though, my hurt was pounding but the shower helped with that problem.

I looked at myself in the mirror and dropped the towel. My thighs were getting bigger and my waist was too. I didn't like it. It was noticeable to others but I could see it from a mile away. The way my body was shaped bothered me more than anything. My breasts were getting bigger too. The amount of time I've complained about back pain is crazy. Everything about me was disgusting.

I looked at the stretch marks on my thighs and ass. It all looked disgusting to me. I looked disgusting. My body was a curse and something no one should ever have. I wished I looked like Pansy. Slim and beautiful. Her perfect figure and weightless looks.

I turned and saw the small cursive V. I smiled at it and chuckled. I looked away from the mirror and started getting dressed. The legging fitting a bit tighter but still a good fit. I looked at myself in the mirror once more and sighed. I felt the tears in my eyes start to fall. My body was a monstrosity that didn't need to exist.

The tears were now streaming down my face and little droplets were falling off my face, like the rain hitting a window on a rainy day. The pain I felt looking at this mosterous body was unmatched.

I looked away from the mirror and looked at the ground. I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself. I opened the door and walked out, sitting my things on my bed. I grabbed my rings and necklace.

I sighed and kneeled down next to my chest and started looking through the pouch of jewelry I had and took out my dragon pendant, clipping it on. I took out a pair of garnet interested earrings. I put them on and pulled the draw strings to close the pouch and put it back in my chest.

I stood and walked over to my bed-side table. I opened the top dresser and took out my pills. I took out the ones I needed and put the bottles back. Walking to the laboratory, I heard someone walk in. I turned to see Pansy walking in in only her mini skirt and her bra. Her shirt and shoes in her arms. Her hair was a mess.

I smiled and chuckled. "Who was the lucky man?" She rolled her eyes and smiled back. "Your brother." My eyes widened and she smirked. My mouth fell open and she just walked to her bed and laid down, quickly falling asleep.

I kept the same face until I felt like there was something going to fly into my mouth. I turned back to my main mission and entered the laboratory. I took the pills and drunk the water. After I exited again and grabbed my bag, emptying everything out and putting it away neatly. I closed my drawer and grabbed the empty bag. I opened my chest and looked through my things for the locked box.

I pulled it out of the bottom and grabbed my dragon pendant. Its tail was shaped as a key, it opened the box. I pulled out a black metal dagger, its hilt was engraved with runes and markings. I put it in my bag and looked around for my wand, it was on top of my table. I took it and put it in the bag also.

I went back to the box and took out a box of matches, small vials, a test-tube of gillyweed, and a small box of different vials and test-tubes. I put it all in my bag and grabbed a scarf out of my chest and put it between the vials to make sure the didn't break. I closed the box and hid back under all the clothes in the chest. I closed the chest and stood back up, grabbing parchment, my quill and ink. Quickly I grabbed a towel and stuffed it in my bag.

I made sure everything was back in place and left the dorms and walked into the dimly lit common room. The only light were the few candles lit and the water from the lake. It's light was more of a green sea color that compimented the house's initial color.

I knew there were no classes today, but the forbidden forest looked interesting and worth exploring. I walked out the common room and walked towards the library. I knew Madam Pince was already there, we've become pretty close because I'm always in there. I asked her a few day's ago if I could come in earlier today to check out a few books.

As I arrived, she was standing outside with a warm smile. "Amethyst, there you are." Her voice whispered through the silent halls. "Madam Pince. Sorry, jad a few other things to do."

She nodded, understanding. "Very well. Hurry, Flinch comes around in two minutes." I nodded and followed her into the library. She walked up to her desk and started sorting through some papers.

I walked to a section in the back and started looking for anything on plants growing in forests and near lakes, ponds, or other water sources. I picked out three and then walked to the front. She smiled and looked at the books.

"There are ones in the restricted section if you want to look. Don't tell anyone though." She winked and I smiled. "Maybe one." She chuckled and nodded to the door. I walked back to it and opened the door slowly, the smell of old dust and book filling my nose. I walled in and closed the door behind me.

I walked to a certain shelf, it had a beautiful water lily on it. It was engraved like a statue. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I traced my finger around it and smiled softly. I looked through that shelf and picked out a book on water plants.

Exiting, I looked back at the shelf I was at and smiled, knowing who ever engraved that was a true artist. I walked out and closed the door behind me.

I walked back to Madam Pince and smiled at her. "Thank you Madam Pince. I'll have them back to you by breakfast." She nodded and smiled warmly at me. "Of course, dear. Have a good explore. And be careful." I nodded and walked out, sneaking around the castle to the bridge.

I walked down the stone path to Hagrid's Hut. I knocked twice and sighed, cathing my breath. He opened the door and smiled. "Well heller there. How er' ya', Amey?"
"Fine." I smiled back.

Hagrid had been helping me whenever I needed it. Like when I wanted to know more about Hogwarts. He isn't the brightest but he helps in anyway he can.

"Hey, can I borrow Fang? I want to go into the forest but not be alone." He nodded. "Sure ya can. Just be back by the time you can see the sun above the trees." I nodded and smiled. He called Fang and made sure to give me tips on what to do if I get injured. I thanked him and walled into the forest with the dog, readying myself for what waited inside.

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