The Party

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The rest of the day went by smoothly, no one was as loud as they were the whole week, but it was still chaotic. I was sitting in the common room, reading one of my books and petting Lincy. I was starting to get tired, drifting off into sleep before I heard someone slam a book on one of the desks near me.

I jumped and looked around, seeing it was only Pansy. She smiled and sat next to me, leaning her head on me. "What are you doing here, reading." She grabbed my book and started reading it.

I rolled my eyes at her childish behavior and sighed, leaning my head on her's. "I got bored so I came in here, started reading." I played with her hair. She smirked and looked up at me. "You got bored and started reading this?" She held up the book and placed it in my lap. "Do your brothers know you read that kinda stuff?" She smirked.

I sat up and put Lincy on the ground, she ran up the stairs. I looked at her, smiling sadly. "I haven't told them yet."

She smiled back and looked at me with a suspicious look. "When are you going to tell them?" I shook my head.

"Well not the point of why I came in here." I layed back and listened to her. "There's going to be a party in Hufflepuff common room, later tonight. Wanna come?"

"Are my brothers going to be there?" She nodded.
"Well Tom said maybe and Matt said 'hell yeah', so eveyones going." She beamed. I rolled my eyes smiling and nodded. "Fine. I'll go." She sqealed and clapped her hands like a child.

I smiled and took my book, getting up and walking up the stairs to our dorm rooms. She followed behind me and started talking about how cute she was gonna make me look. When I got up there she immediately sat me down on my bed and started asking what shade I was in make up.

I compiled until she started asking what clothes I was gonna wear. "So what are you going to wear? I mean something flashy but subtle." She beamed. I let out a breath and shrugged. "I don't know. I don't wanna show too much skin, but I don't want to look scared." She looked me up and down, trying to fit my request.

"Okay. What about sheer tights with a skirt. And for a shirt, maybe a low cut crop-top?" She asked, looking hopeful. I was wary at first but realized it'll be dark either way. I nodded and she giggled, hugging me. "Let's get to work."

I got in the shower first and she got everything else ready. Once I finished, I changed inside the laboratory and walked out, feeling a little self conscious. She looked over at me and smiled brightly. "You look gorgeous in that, I wish I had your body." I smiled and shook my head. "I look like a pornstar."

She furrowed her brows and tilted her head, looking confused. "A muggle who makes videos of her or himself for money. And or to pleasure other people." She nodded. "I know what a video is." She smiled.

I chuckled lightly and walked over to my bed, putting on my rings and necklace. She walked in front of me and grabbed my necklace, playing with it. "It's pretty but why do you always wear it?" She tilted her head. "It was a gift from my little sister." She nodded and let it go, taking my hands. "You need to be confident tonight, so..." She walked to her bed and pulled a bottle from under it, holding it up. "Let's get a little nerve reliever in our systems."

I chuckled and she walked back, sitting on my bed and opening it. She took a sip and handed it to me, smiling. I took it and looked at the lable. It was Fire Whiskey. I took a sip and made a face. She started laughing and took the bottle, looking up at me. "It's strong, isn't it?" I swallowed it and gagged, couching.

She laughed harder and patted my back, holding my hair back. Once I calmed down, she put the bottle on my bedside table and stood up. "Not used to it, are you?" I shook my head and cleared my throat. "I'm used to vodka and tequila." I admitted.

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