Chapter 12: The Devil's Scar

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The icy wind cut through Emile's fur-lined coat as he and his team trudged deeper into the Eldergloom Forest. The towering trees, their branches heavy with snow, stood like silent sentinels guarding the ancient secrets of the forest. Each step they took left crisp prints in the fresh snow, a stark reminder of their presence in this vast, untamed wilderness.

Emile adjusted the strap of his pack, his breath visible in the frigid air. The silence was broken only by the crunching of snow underfoot and the occasional distant call of a winter bird. The eerie stillness of the forest set his nerves on edge, but he kept his focus on the path ahead. Beside him, Gareth moved with a determined stride, his shield strapped securely to his arm and his longsword sheathed at his side.

Braddick walked a few paces ahead, his bow at the ready, eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. The snow-laden branches above occasionally released their burden with a soft thud, startling the group and sending a flurry of snowflakes into the air. Rosaline brought up the rear, her twin short swords glinting in the pale light that filtered through the dense canopy.

"We need to find a place to set up camp before nightfall," Braddick called back to the group, his voice barely above a whisper. The dense forest seemed to absorb sound, making even the quietest noise feel amplified.

Emile nodded in agreement, glancing up at the darkening sky. "Agreed. We should look for a spot that offers some natural shelter."

Gareth scanned the area, his keen eyes searching for a suitable campsite. "There," he pointed to a cluster of large boulders partially covered in snow. "That should provide some cover from the wind."

The group moved towards the boulders, the promise of a brief respite from the relentless cold spurring them on. As they reached the site, Rosaline quickly began clearing the snow to create a flat surface for their tents. Emile gathered kindling and small branches, his gloved hands moving efficiently despite the biting cold.

"We need to keep the fire small," Braddick reminded them, his tone cautious. "We don't want to draw unwanted attention."

Emile nodded, striking a flint to light the kindling. The small flame flickered to life, casting a warm glow that offered a semblance of comfort in the desolate landscape. As the fire crackled softly, the group huddled close, the heat a welcome relief from the chilling air.

"We're making good progress," Rosaline said, her voice steady. "But we need to stay vigilant. The forest can be deceptive, and we can't afford to let our guard down."

Emile looked around at his teammates, their faces illuminated by the firelight. He could see the exhaustion in their eyes, the shared concerns and worries hovering over them. The Eldergloom Forest has proven to be harder than they anticipated. It was already their second day and they were not even close to Devil's Scar. 

"We'll make more progress tomorrow," Emile said, his voice filled with conviction. "We've held a steady pace so far. We just got to keep pushing."

As the fire crackled and the cold night settled in around them, the team found a brief moment of peace, each of them silently reflecting on the last couple of days. The Eldergloom Forest was vast and unforgiving, and each minute that passed chipped away at their morale. The shadows of the towering trees seemed to stretch endlessly, and the howling wind added an eerie undertone to the already unsettling surroundings.

Rosaline shivered as she wrapped the thick blanket around herself, the steam visible with every breath she exhaled. The blanket's coarse fabric provided a meager barrier against the biting cold. Gareth noticed the movement and began unpacking a small blanket before handing it over to Rosaline.

She looked at Gareth, confusion sweeping her eyes. "Won't you need it?" her voice tinged with concern.

Gareth shook his head, his smile lighting the mood between the group members. "I eat a lot of food so I got plenty of extra padding to keep myself warm tonight."

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