Chapter 13: The Price of Valor

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The clash of steel echoed through the Eldergloom Forest as Emile parried the shaman's staff, his muscles straining with the effort. The firelight cast an eerie glow on the combatants, flickering shadows dancing across their faces. Around him, his friends fought desperately to hold their ground against the orc attackers.

Gareth's shield clanged loudly against the hulking brute's spiked club, sparks flying as the weapons collided. With a roar, the orc swung again, but Gareth deflected the blow with a skillful twist of his wrist, countering with a slash of his longsword. His attack, however, glanced off the orc's armor, leaving only a shallow cut. Blood sprayed across the snow, steaming in the cold air.

Rosaline darted around the thinner orc, her twin short swords flashing in the dim light. The orc's daggers were a blur of deadly motion, but Rosaline's agility kept her one step ahead. Still, the orc managed to land a glancing blow on her arm, drawing blood. She winced but pressed on, her blades finding openings in the orc's defenses. With a swift, calculated strike, she drove one sword into the orc's thigh, causing it to stumble with a howl of pain.

Braddick, his bow taut, released arrow after arrow into the fray, each shot finding its mark with lethal precision. One arrow thudded into the shaman's shoulder, momentarily disrupting its chanting and breaking the hold it had tried to reestablish on Emile's friends. The shaman snarled, its eyes blazing with hatred as it yanked the arrow free, black blood oozing from the wound.

Emile's breath came in ragged gasps as he swung his sword, the blade clashing against the shaman's staff. The dark magic emanating from the shaman was a palpable force that threatened to overwhelm him. But he held his ground, his determination fueled by the need to protect his friends.

"I'll hold off the shaman!" Emile shouted, his voice hoarse from the exertion. "Braddick, focus on the other two for now!"

With an unseen nod, Braddick swung his body and bow around, setting his sights on the large brute in a clash with Gareth. Gareth grunted as another heavy strike collided with his shield, the raw power reverberating through his arm. He shifted his weight forward and pushed the shield into the chest of the orc. With a final roar, he reared the shield back and smashed it directly into the large orc, pushing it back and off balance momentarily. Braddick took this moment and, with a low thump, unleashed the arrow he had notched, sending it flying through the air. The arrow found its mark, piercing the exposed inner thigh of the large orc bringing it down to one knee.

Simultaneously, Rosaline continued her assault on the skinnier orc. Her movements were fast and precise, but the orc was agile and unfortunately physically stronger than her. Rosaline struck with her left blade towards the exposed knees of the orc, but the orc read her movements easily and moved its daggers to block the attack.

As the orc committed to the block, she shifted her weight and pivoted on her heel, using the momentum to spin around to the orc's unprotected side. Her right sword, held in a reverse grip, flashed out in a swift, precise arc, aiming for the gap in the orc's armor just below its ribs.

The orc roared in pain and anger as the blade bit into its flesh, green blood oozing from the wound. Its massive arm swung back in retaliation, but Rosaline was already moving, her lithe form darting out of reach. She used the momentum from her spin to propel herself backward, creating distance between herself and the orc.

The orc's eyes blazed with fury as it clutched its side, the wound slowing its movements. Rosaline's feint had worked perfectly, exploiting the orc's natural inclination to protect its legs and creating an opening for a more critical strike.

The shaman, now fully focused on Emile, brought its staff down with a swift and powerful strike. Emile, using his training, deflected the blow to the side, the force of the impact sending ripples up his arm. The air crackled with dark energy, and the shaman's eyes glowed with malevolent intent. Emile knew he had to act quickly.

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