🎶Cherish her🎶

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Zea's POV:

Before I could open the note, the door creaked open, and Xander entered the room. My heart melted at the sight of him. He looked terrible, don't get me wrong-unshaved beard, huge eye bags, hair a mess-but to me, he still looked incredibly attractive. His once emotionless blue eyes now held a depth of sorrow.

I don't know what overcame me, but I tried to stand up. Pain shot through my body, and I winced. Immediately, Xander was at my side, his hands gentle but firm as he helped me back down.

"Zea," he breathed, blinking twice, then a third time, as if he couldn't believe I was truly awake. "You're awake."

His touch was so careful, like I was a fragile doll that might break at any moment. His eyes never left mine, filled with a mix of relief and pain that tore at my heart.

"Xander," I whispered, my voice weak and raspy. The pain was intense, every movement sending jolts through my body, but seeing him there, alive and real, gave me strength. "How long was I...?"

He took my hand in his, squeezing it gently. "Twenty-four days, seventeen hours, and twelve seconds."

I let out a shaky breath, tears welling up in my eyes. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," he said, his voice breaking. He leaned in, and our lips met in a tender kiss, a kiss that spoke of love, relief, and a thousand unspoken words. The warmth of his embrace surrounded me as he carefully climbed onto the bed beside me, holding me as if I were the most precious thing in the world.

For a few moments, we just lay there, savoring the closeness, the feel of each other's presence. It was a moment of pure happiness, a brief respite from the storm of emotions that had engulfed us for so long.

Then, the reality of our situation came crashing back. "Xander, where's Noah? He left me a note."

His face paled, and he looked away, swallowing hard. For a moment, he didn't say anything, and the silence was deafening. Then, his voice barely above a whisper, he said, "Noah... Noah gave you his heart."

My heart clenched, the weight of his words sinking in. I slowly opened the note Noah had left for me, my hands trembling. As I read, tears blurred my vision.

"Dear Zea, My heart was always yours. It always belonged to you."

A sob escaped my lips, and I clutched the note to my chest. The pain of his sacrifice was unbearable, but his love, his selflessness, filled my heart with an indescribable mix of sorrow and gratitude.

Before I could say anything, the doctor entered the room, a somber expression on his face. He handed Xander a long letter. "This is for you. From Noah."

Xander took the letter with shaking hands, his eyes locked on mine. As he began to read, I saw the tears fall freely from his eyes. In that moment, we shared a grief so profound it was beyond words. Yet, beneath the pain, there was an unspoken promise-to honor Noah's sacrifice, to live the life he had given us, together.

Dear Xander,

I have known you since we were five. I've seen the darkness you were thrust into when you were only eight, how your father molded you into someone else entirely. I've witnessed the playful boy who loved adventure, the cruel side you couldn't escape, and finally, the emotionless shield you built around yourself. But what you became after Zea came along has been my favorite version of you.

Do you remember when we were seven, and you convinced me that the old man on 7th Street was a wizard? You made me leave cookies and milk at his doorstep for weeks, swearing he would grant us magical powers. We got caught, of course, but that adventure is still one of the best memories of my childhood.

Or the time we were thirteen and you decided it would be a great idea to sneak into the rival gang's territory to prove we were fearless. We ended up hiding in a dumpster for hours when they started shooting. The smell was awful, but we laughed about it for weeks, making up stories about how we fought off the entire gang single-handedly.

And then there was the time at sixteen when you decided we should start a band. You couldn't play an instrument to save your life, but you were convinced we'd be rock stars. We lasted exactly two rehearsals before you admitted defeat, but those two days were filled with the kind of laughter and dreams only kids can have.

Remember that night when we were seventeen and thought it would be hilarious to 'borrow' one of your father's cars? We ended up in a high-speed chase with the cops and hid out in an abandoned warehouse. I still can't believe we managed to avoid getting caught, but the thrill of that night, the sheer absurdity of it, is something I'll never forget.

Then there was that other time we were eighteen, and you thought it would be funny to crash one of the mafia's meetings dressed as clowns. We barely escaped with our lives, but the sight of you trying to negotiate with a fake flower squirting water still makes me laugh.

But all those sides of you-the mischievous boy, the reckless teenager, even the hardened man-paled in comparison to the man you became with Zea. She brought out the best in you, made you more human, more real. You became someone capable of love, of deep, selfless love. And that's the man I wanted to see happy.

I know you've struggled with guilt, with the weight of your past. But Xander, everyone deserves forgiveness, and you've done more than enough to earn it. Zea sees the good in you, just as I always have, even when you couldn't see it yourself.

I hope that by the time you read this, Zea is awake and that you two are together, just as it should be. I made my choice because I believe in both of you, in the love you share. Take care of her, Xander. Love her with everything you have. Cherish her. Live the life I won't get to, and make it beautiful.

Remember, this isn't goodbye. I'll always be with you, in your memories, in your heart. Laugh at the funny times, cherish the good ones, and forgive yourself for the bad. Be happy, my friend. That's all I ever wanted for you.

With all my love,

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