Me Charlotte and the Others

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it was the first day back in school after the summer holidays and I was dreading it not only because of the bullying but also the fact the last time I was there someone had hacked off half my hair so I had hid in the bathroom the rest of the day but also when charlotte would ask how was my holiday I couldn't tell her the truth. I started the think off things I could say that would be believable for my family.

when I actually saw charlotte y fears melted away she had that affect she is very respected among students and teachers because she is very smart and quick thinking but also because she is nice to everyone but will not hesitate to put someone in there place if they are being rude or mean to another student, the last person she caught picking on me had the same treatment to him that he had done to me she had hacked of some of his hair to which he didn't bully me again but his mates still did and the popular kids everyone thought it weird how char and I where besties but I am so glad we are.

charlotte runs up to me and pulls me into a hug and is firing questions at a million miles per hour. then when I get a word in I ask how her holiday was she had been in Italy all summer hence the fact I didn't get to see her she says about how amazing it was and hands me a gift which has Italian written on it which I cant read yet but I am training myself to surprise her it was the most beautiful jewelry se with words carved into it and I looked at her o make sure she is sure about giving it to me to which she nods and puts the necklace on me and I put the earrings in which where gold hoops with little peace's of emerald in it which matched amazing with my ginger hair it also came with a bracelet and 2 rings both almost identical one gold one silver I look over at charlotte and say would she like to have the silver one so we can be matching  cause she was a silver jewelry girl and if I was able would have gold she sys duh and that why she got both to which we both laughed at it almost time for first lesson which luckily we had together so we head over to history and we are learning about the Tudors which both of us are very happy about. We head to break together and then char asks me again how was your summer holiday to which I respond same old thing and that I missed her and then we strike up a conversation on the Tudors and what are lessons are for the rest of the day. I had math's English RPE and Spanish and char had math's, English, RPE with me but we were not in the same language class as she did Italian to which I asked my parents if I could learn Italian at school to which they belittled me for wanting to do so I had to read books and try learn from that and also learn from what char and her family said. I managed to sign up to language class after school in Italian but I told them I was doing extra Spanish to which they accepted.

char and I decided to hang out after school and go round her house as it would be more peaceful as she had no sibling and her parents had gone back to Italy for a couple of days. I asked why they had gone back so soon after just getting back home to which char pauses for a moment and states that she thinks it has something to do with there friends there I knew she was lying she couldn't lie to save her life well not to me at least I don't push her to tell me as I understood that she didn't want to talk about it. I then suggest making dinner to which we start making home made pizza and started making the dough I'm not sure if we used more flour in the dough or if there is more on us and the floor after we make our pizzas both of us just going for the classic cheese but we put some different types of cheese. once we had put them in the oven I suggest that char goes and try get the flour out of her hair and to change into some other clothes while I clean up. so that's what's happens. once the kitchen is spotless again the pizzas are almost ready so I get us some water and lay the table out. once the pizzas are ready I take them out this is when char comes back looking very nervous I ask what's wrong she says that she doesn't wat to stay home alone and would I be able to stay with her, I knew there was something deeper to it but I agree and we tuck into our pizzas. And that's when we hear it someone banging on the door char looks terrified and drags us to a room I had never noticed before and locks the door it looked very high security when I look around I notice all the weapons and my eyes widen not knowing what to say or do char looks at me biting her lip so I knew she wanted to say something I signal for her to still confused on what on earth is happening.

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