The Return

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Charlottes pov 

it had been a couple of days since the shoot out and nothing has happened but we remained in the safe room as we could be out of harms way I'm starting to worry about my parents as they haven't contacted us since they said they would be back soon and promised to teach Darcy Italian. That's when we hear the front door open and we immediately put on bullet proof vests and armed ourselves guarding the door but the didn't open the door aggressively I tell Darcy to go check the cameras and she says that its my parents I'm about to open the door when Darcy says that something feels off and to stay put and sure enough not even 10 minuets later what's left of the mafia that swung by the other day entered and yelled at my parents saying that they will kill them if they don't give them the friend I immediately call the police and they say that they will be here in 2 minuets its painful watching my parents be so vulnerable the where un armed and unprotected the police had also said that they will be careful as I explained the situation god I hope they where careful enough That's when I suddenly feel Darcy wrap her arms around me I almost start crying but I cant I know I cant. that's when I hear that stupid kid again saying that he and his small team will wait in the kitchen and that they better coax us out from where ever we are, when we check the cameras and see that they had gone to the kitchen Darcy pipes up saying she will go get my parents before the police got here otherwise "the boy and his toys will kill them" I almost start laughing at her word chose and tell her to be careful. 

Darcy's pov 

I grab 2 more bullet proof vests and extra guns ammo and weapons and slowly head towards them they where in the room next to the safe room and I slowly open the door slipring in when they see me they try tell me to go back to the room without speaking, I hand them the bullet prof vests and weapon ammo and the sorts and then beckon them to follow me which they shake their heads looking down at there ankles I see this and nod silently telling them that we had called the police by using sign language witch thankfully we all knew they then shooed me off and I leave slipping back to the safe room door saying the special word we decided on and head in turning around and locking it and explain how I had given them all the stuff and why they weren't with me saying that they had microphones and very accurate trackers on them so if they did come with us all of us would be in anger and explained how I used sign language to tell them about the police and the plan and then left them I then head over to the cameras and see that they are leaving the kitchen but I also remembers the polices promise and how it had already been 3 minuets hoping that they get here soon as they where almost at the room where chars parents where when he heads in and sees that they have weapons he exclaims how and that they hadn't moved even a cm and stupidly he decided to raise his gun at chars parents 

chars pov

omg they are going to shoot my parents and there is nothing I can do if I go out I will not be able to get to them without being shot and killed immediately then I hear more people enter the house and see its the police, then I hear it a gun shot piecing through the silence then another the police hadn't gotten to my parents yet omg they had shot them my parents where dead and I didn't help them I could of sacrificed myself I should of now what was I meant to do I was too scared to check the cameras in the room and judging by the look on Darcy's face so was she I break down and just start sobbing and Darcy comes over to comfort me pulling me on too her lap stroking my hair but not saying anything just rocking me back and forwards I don't know why but her not saying anything helped her not saying it will be ok helped she knew me well and she knew hat just rocking me is better than anything she could say then we hear more shooting and finally Darcy gets up to check the cameras shaking she switches it over.

Darcy's pov 

I get p shaking to scared to switch it over but know that I must and I see the police carrying the body's out but I cant see chars parents anywhere and I almost break down my voice cracking saying that I couldn't see them and that the police where carrying people out she char starts crying even more and I go over and stat rocking her again knowing that I had to be strong for her. I rocked her for what felt like hours before she falls asleep I check the cameras again and see that everything had been tidied up but when I flick to the kitchen camera I see two people sitting there drinking tea I press on the audio to listen tot hat they where saying as it where to dark to see who they where and hear them say how long do you think it  will take them to notice that we are here and still alive then chars dad said that he would check and laughs when he sees me checking the cameras and says hi to me and tells me to come with char I tell\ speak aloud saying to turn the lights on so we can see if it where actually them he laughs and says being cautious always a good thing so long as your not over cautious he then flicks the light on and says that he's sorry the word principessa had been ruined for me I laugh and say that we will be down soon I go over to char gently shaking her awake and explaining everything and saying although she's sure its them they still had to be cautious I chuck her a bullet proof vest and a pistol and take the same for myself and turn the lights of and grabbing some other weapons just incase of an ambush I turn the light back on when char had finished getting dressed the prefect alibi and we slowly head out of the room scouting every room to make sure no one else was there before heading to the kitchen to see chars parents laughing and saying that we did a good job I still don't let down my guard yet and ask for something only they would know about us I ask how long apart mine and Darcy's births where as chars parents where walking around and met my parents there and they had told chars parents when I was born but chars parents didn't tell them that back so only chars parents would know when they don't answer and then give us the wrong answer I head up to them and pull on there hair revealing there real identity and tie them up then I see two more people who looked like chars parents heading towards us and I quizzed them and asked them the same question which they got right and both char and I know its them but because the two other people where hear we don't let on that we know its them instead char signals at her parents what should we do with the two others and they said they where the only two people left from the boys toys as we started calling them and that we should go back to the place of safety and that they will deal with them with that we go back locking ourselves in and turning on the cameras and watching just to see chars parents shoot them both and call the police to dispose of the body's.

charlottes pov 

I don't know how I can thank Darcy enough. I walk over to Darcy and pull her in for a big hug saying thank you for staying with me thank you for interrogating my parent look alike thank you for risking your life ill never be able to repay you to which she responds just being here hugging me is enough then we both burst out laughing from how cringe that was. I then see my parents heading towards the safe room and that's when my phone starts to ring its my mum calling but we check the cameras and see that the people there aren't holding phones I don't know what to do where they fake or was there phone stolen Darcy came over to me and started finding the ip address from where the call was made and we realized the call was apparently made from island so we know its my parents. we then jump out of our skin as we hear a knock on the door, Darcy suggested that I call my dad to make sure as this person had a phone but if it didn't ring we would know they weren't my parents  so I called and he picked up confused as to why I was calling him when he was outside the safe room I said just to make sure and explained that mum called me but I didn't answer and that we tracked where the call was made from and it was island so it cant of been her and that her phone must of been stolen my dad then says to his supposed wife do you have your phone to which she responds yes is everything alright that that's wen we realized my dad answered the question how she didn't really talk how there where slight differences my dad then turns around walking away and she then holds a gun pointing towards him saying it took him long enough to realize so I tell Darcy to hide behind the wall and silently open the door as she continues to say that she was our mothers identical twin and they had never liked each other and that she would be in as much pain at the moment as she deserved that's when I shot her making sure it was at an angle so it didn't go through her and my dad my dad seems so relieved and asks how he can prove to me that he is my dad I go to respond when I get an idea I say that he has already proved himself but he should call mum so he did and when she answered she sounded as if she had been running and all she managed to get out was island twin mafia and help we all now panicked as Darcy comes out she then does her thing and finds the exact location the call was made in and we all get ready and drive as fast as we can to get to island when we get to the address the call was made we see a bunch off people surrounding a tree and someone crying in pain without a second thought Darcy runs forward and starts shooting people surrounding the person tied to the tree my dad whispers god she has a good aim wouldn't want to be on the receiving side of that one he had said that she had managed to get to my mum and untied her and asks her the same question she asked my dad she responds with the right answer and Darcy picks her up very carefully and places her in the car then tells us both to get in the car so we do my dad driving of course I look back and see Darcy giving my mum medical treatment and asks how she know all of this.

Darcy's pov 

I'm caring to chars mum when char turned around and asked since when could i do first aid i reply with I had to learn as my dad used me as a punching bag ever since I was born and how I was also his toy and was to scared to do anything or ask for any help medical or not so I learnt what made stuff heal quicker and better and they did a similar thing to what my dad does if we had waited much longer she probably would of been used as a toy aswell before she gets discarded somewhere. char goes silent and I start apologizing thinking I had scared her off I kept saying sorry and trying to takeback what I said when char speaks up and says to me to not say sorry and that she was just processing what I said and felt guilty that she didn't notice I said it was fine and I tried for no one to notice and became quite good at it. chars mum starts to stir and the first thing she say is...

sorry for the wee cliffhanger but I had too. I hope your enjoying please let me know any ideas or any improvements I could make. this is the longest chapter I've written yet  xoxo Emma   

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