Darcy's pov:
And she looks at me even more concerned but i brush it off not wanting to talk about it and ask char how her mums doing. luckily she takes the hint and answers that she is doing well but there is a long recovery for her waiting and didn't bring up what she saw or heard again.
I loved that about char she doesn't push if she knows you don't want to talk about something she wont bring it up until you bring it up which is rare most people push and push and push till they get an answer that they are satisfied with out of you. when we get to chars house she takes me straight to the bathroom and runs me a bath and talks to me so as not to be awkward, when its ready she asks if i want her to stay of go to which i respond i didn't want to be alone and she clearly understood the deeper meaning. i had told her little bits about my family so she knows its not the nicest environment.
Later that evening we come out from chars room after playing around with doing each others makeup (we looked like clowns) but we didn't mind, to go have dinner with her whole family including her mum which was nice how is it a friends parents act more like parents to me than my own parents? dinner was a roast dinner and it was amazing we where even allowed some posh cordial which arguable wasn't as nice as Pepsi but still. i offered to clean up the dished to which chars dad john refused saying he would sort it and call us out for dessert and suggested we watch some make up tutorials with a laugh (another thing i loved about chars family they laughed and where cheery) char and i are still laughing when we get into chars room and start watching some tutorials on her tv but then gave us decided to braid each others hair after washing of the makeup.
when we are called back out the smell of chocolate cake wafted through the air and char challenged me to a race to see who got the biggest piece char won she has always been a lot more active than me, but she promised that one day she would train me up. when i finally got there char stuck her tough out at me jokingly and took some cake for me and her when we sat down to eat it chars mum Holly complemented our hair and thanked me for saving her and that they needed to talk to me about something important but they couldn't tell me it yet, which i was really excited about and i looked at charlotte with a questioning look to see if she knew, i could tell she did even though she tried to hide it but the twinkle in her eyes gave that away.
charlottes pov:
i really wanted to tell Darcy but i knew i couldn't so i brought up what i had seen and heard earlier it wouldn't stop replaying it in my head but when i bought it up D went all tense and nervous but talked about it and i could tell there where bits she wasn't telling me but i knew better than to pry so i decided to instigate a pillow fight and let D win though she was very capable of beating me without my help but still. After what felt like 5 mins but was actually more like two hours i suggested we go to bed so we do.
I'm awoke in the middle of the night to screaming assuming someone broke in i grabbed a gun and turn the light on but when i turn around i see that D's having a nightmare i have never seen her have one before but she has told me she gets them occasionally and i knew it was about whatever happened before i got to her house i new better than to try wake her up so i went to the kitchen and made her a hot chocolate and marshmallows and take it back to my room when i get back D is still screaming and clearly terrified when she woke up and saw me she screamed and ran to lock herself in the bathroom and i wasn't able to get her out for the next half an hour when i do i can see that d is very clearly still terrified but etched with relief when i questioned it she said it was a flashback but would elaborate so i sit her down on the bed and give her her now cold hot chocolate then i questioned why she got scared when she saw me and her response broke me how could a family be so cruel.
sorry this chapter was a long time in the waiting as i just got back to school and got pulled into the havoc of getting my mock results back anyway i will make sure i post more frequently sorry that charlottes part is so small.💖
xoxo Emma

General Fictiona teen gets abandoned by her family and becomes a mafia boss then the family come crawling back for protection not knowing that she was one of the most powerful women in the world. with charlotte by her side will she forgive her whole family or will...