chars pov:
i knew that Darcy had a nightmare but i didn't realize how bad it was in-till i got D to talk about it. i knew her family where not very nice and all but abusing her on a daily forcing her to do everything she is only 14 and her dad and brother have been presumably raping her for a long time how could i have missed the signs I'm so stupid i feel so bad. i should of know when she would always come in in baggy clothes and would sneak to the pharmacy not knowing i was following her cause i was worried i never could of imagined i thought i had it hard with my parents not being around that much but they always make it up to me and they would never rape or hit me god i must seem so ungrateful i have it amazing compared to her. why the hell am i wallowing in self pity she has to go back to that family soon and i will be dammed if i don't at least give her some way to contact me when it gets bad i need to go talk to my parents.
so when I'm sure Darcy is asleep i sneak into my parents room and wake them up and i tell them everything it was the first time i had seen my dad cry and my mum wanted to rush into my room and comfort d but i told her not to they both looked so heartbroken and that broke me even more. when i asked them if we could get Darcy a phone so she could keep in co tact with me if stuff gets bad they agreed in a heartbeat and tell me to go back to d and that we will talk in the morning so i run back to my room relieved when i see that Darcy hadn't woken up yet.
johns pov:
i feel bad for crying Infront of char as she is just a child and clearly is already really worried but i cant help it i cant imagine ever treating char like that i really don't want to let Darcy go back but i know if i keep her here her dad will forcible take her and she wont be allowed to see char again when i finally talk to Holly she is sobbing and i pull her into a hug and say that we need to discus what to do and explain my dilemma to Holly she says there is no way we can keep her here she will get forced to go back and when she is taken back there is no knowing what they will do to her and the police could get involved and not let Darcy come see us. I add that we need to have Darcy over here as much as possible without it being suspicious. we need to get her a phone that she can hide easily and wont shatter at the tiniest of drops.
Hollys pov:
i don't want to take Darcy back to that hell whole, but i know i have to. we have no choice i wish she could stay just for another few days till we sort out an actual plan but seeing as what char said there is no way we can do that either. I ask john what we should do if they find the phone and if we should report it to the police. john says no as that family has avoided the police so many times and will move away if they know that anyone knows there dirty little secret and we cant afford for them to move far away cause that means we wont be able to help her. i suggest that next time we go pick her up we report it to the police and keep her with us so she is safe and that we will move but john points out the obvious flaw in that plan so that's a no. I cant believe that Darcy has gone through all that all by herself she's almost 15 for goodness sake she shouldn't of gone through any of that at her age it so sad to think about and especially as we are so helpless and don't want to make things worse for the poor girl.
Darcy's pov:
i pretend to be asleep after i talked char through some of the abuse. when char leaves i assume she went to tell her parents and start crying but am trying so hard not to make any noise. what if her parents hate me now and start acting like them i wouldn't be able to cope what if they thought i deserved it i couldn't bare to think about what would happen if they started doing the same and i had no safe place i would probably attempt again i wouldn't be able to cope with it i have already been through enough i know that sounds really bad cause i know that others have it worse than me at least I'm allowed to see char and sleep over occasionally and at least my mum barely hits me but that's because she doesn't want to ruin her nails not because she cares about me. i really hope that char or her parents don't report it to the police as that would make it a thousand times worse and they would probably force me to move away with them which wouldn't get anyone anywhere good. i don't know if i should tell char what i overheard my parents saying about selling me to this old guy from Ohio?
Johns pov:
i think we should report it to the police because at least then they would have a record of it so if anyone else reported anything but that would mean that things would get a truckload worse for Darcy because the police don't really get involved in that kind of thing i relate to the poor thing as i was abused and hit as a kid but they never sexually abused me they used more emotional abuse rather than physical and sexual but Darcy's parents seem to use all types of abuse there is emotional physical and sexual i could never imagine parents putting there kids through all that and forcing the kid to cook clean and do every chore under the sun and i would bet money she doesn't get fed properly another thing my parents would never do was not feed me because even they drew the line very clear that they would never and have never crossed i also think that as soon as this girl turns 16 her family will sell her to some rich old man another thing i could never imagine putting my daughter through. the only thing that didn't add up was why they treated her like this??
sorry this chapter is quite disturbing. first pov of john and holly what do we think they will do should they call the police or not? xoxo Emma xx

General Fictiona teen gets abandoned by her family and becomes a mafia boss then the family come crawling back for protection not knowing that she was one of the most powerful women in the world. with charlotte by her side will she forgive her whole family or will...