This house doesn't feel like home

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the first thing she said is:

Are you girls ok 

Darcy's pov: 

This shocked me because she was the one about to get killed and used but the first thing she asks is if we are ok my parents would never they would beat me for not finding them quicker this caught me so off guard that I gasped and must of had a shocked expression on my face, char looks at me and clears her throat and snaps me out of what ever that was. I reply that we are good. I add how is she feeling to which she responds that she is grateful we saved he and cant really feel much this is because I injected some pain killer before she came round, she also adds how did you find me and how did you get here so quickly and I respond that we will tell her when she is feeling better to which she sighs and doesn't continue asking when we get back chars dad carry's holly in (chars mum) and sets her down on the sofa and says he will take me home as I haven't been back in a few days so I agree and head back, dread fills my stomach so full I feel like I'm going to be sick but I had to go back eventually so I bid my farewells to john (chars dad) and char and head inside and sneak to my cupboard but I was noticed by my brother Hatty and he must of told our parents because a few seconds later my dad yanks me out of my cupboard by my hair and slaps me across the face so I hard I feel like my face is on fire then my mum comes around and slaps me also but no where near as powerful as my dad just did but her nails caught my skin. soon enough I was on the Livingroom floor again.

the next morning I am woke up to my door almost being knocked of its hinges I get up think that it was a bit weird as my mum would never usually bang that hard cause she doesn't want to damage her nails I open the door not to see my mum but to see my dad leering at me and saying he hopes I'm not to tired as the day hasn't even begun for me yet as he grabs my wrist demanding me to make him breakfast so I silently do just that so I don't give him any reason to come anywhere near me but he complains that I didn't put enough sugar in his coffee and back to the living room it is. but when we get there he calls out for harry I must of looked relived as my dad then whispers in my ear he isn't going to save you. When harry comes in his face visibly whitens at least 10 shades. To this my dad cackles and orders him to undress I start shaking and my brother looks like he is about to cry but does as he says then my dad orders him to undress me to which he reluctantly does refusing to look at me then my dad slaps him telling him to look at me while he uses the little whore on the floor to which my brother reluctantly does while looking sorrowfully at me almost like he was pleading me to forgive him for what he is being forced to do I just cry on the floor trying not to think about who it who is undressing me this is so much worse than my dad and Hatty doing it. then I look over at my dad who has a sick smirch on his face and Hatty had joined in with watching and instructing harry on what to do but then they must of gotten inpatient and told harry to sit on the sofa and watch and then they started forcing themselves into me and making me feel more sick than I already did it only stops when someone knocks on the door to which my dad hesitantly gets up and goes to the door while Hatty stayed inside me then my dad yells that my stupid friend is here I cant believe he called my friend that IN front of her no less Hatty hesitantly pulls out of me and I go the long way to the bathroom to clean up then head to my room to get on some presentable clothes on and head to the door to say hi but cursing my self for forgetting to brush my hair, when I see charlotte her face drops as she sees me and she looks really worried and hurriedly drags me to her dads car not before my dad warns me not to be more than 1 night or that ill regret it I gulp and char looks even more concerned and when I get to the car she turns to me 

sorry for another cliffhanger sorry for the really long delay in posting another part ill update quicker next time. if there is anything i can do to improve my writing or storyline please let me know xoxo Emma 

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