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The next morning a pack meeting was arranged to hold an inquiry about the now conscious jimin. He's the main lead of the show but he's still twisting and turning on the bed in his half asleep state. Stomach still empty and starving.

A voice spoke from somewhere,a word that he never heard before.Even though it's not too bright, Jimin still blinks and rubs his eyes to wipe off the uneasiness as he wakes up from the bed. There's nothing but green as far as he could see from the small window. Wet and tall trees,green and dewy leaves and fresh tiny white and yellow flowers…

It must be early morning or evening here and it certainly just stopped raining. But there's no sign of people outside the window for him to have heard a voice.

'Am I imagining it?’

Jimin's throat feels dry and a little itchy as he gulps and softly grips the pastel green knitted sheet covering his lower half. He isn't afraid of the voice,he's just curious about it. He didn't even think about what kind of place he's in right now, oddly feeling calm for someone who doesn't belong here.He wasn't even wearing his own clothes. Maybe his mind still couldn't see past this sleepy fog that covers his mind right now. A low creaking sound reaches his ears from the door and forms an automatic frown in his eyebrows. 

Then follows a tip tap of footstep. A person with nothing but a very old fashioned,brown color trousers that sticks to his nice and accentuated thighs appears in front of his eyes. Just like those men he saw yesterday.He had long hair that touched his shoulders and sharp eyes staring at him without any reaction.

It's like Jimin forgot all about his senses as soon as he saw that person,he stays statue on the bed unmoving even as that unknown person approaches him with an extended hand but not actually touching him. Before he even knew what's happening,the sheets were thrown aside and he was floating in the air above the bed with his hands and legs dangling uselessly like a doll.

A gasp breaks past his lips,eyes looking down and at himself again and again, speechless. The person turns around like nothing and walks away with Jimin floating behind him like a dead leaf.

The initial shock fades as soon as they're out of the room,his eyes bulging out in terror,and Jimin screams. He screams for reasons he didn't even know or understand. Maybe this is all a dream? Maybe he'll wake up soon if he keeps screaming like this? Because there's no way he's flying and there's no way he's flying down from a tree house that looks like it's up at least 50 ft from the ground.

His throat burns because of the loud screech he let's out as he whizzes down to the ground,his blonde hair all messed up when they reach the ground. The guy smoothly lands on his feet, still looking not a hair out of place, totally opposite to jimin's state.His chest heaves with heavy breaths and he coughs out. But his hands didn't come to rub on his chest and soothe himself like he wanted.

He tries again,and it stays completely still on his side. Jimin panics and looks at the guy, who's already walking towards the short and barely visible pathway into the forest.He acts like Jimin is not even there. Like he's invisible.

“Hey wh-” His words are cut off suddenly and there's no sound coming out of his felt like someone pulled on his lips and sealed it together. No matter how much he tried he couldn't move his body or open his mouth. He couldn't do anything. He's like a puppet that was being controlled by someone, following the person as per his wish.

His eyeballs move frantically here and there. Desperate to get a hold of his situation but it only makes him feel more terrified. There are trees everywhere and there's no one around except the person walking before him. The unfamiliarity and confusion causes him to be in more distress and a slight pain in his head.

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