Emergency Meeting

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The next morning…

The wind is salty.

It is cold.

But the mainlanders are well accustomed to the harsh weather playing it's part in their daily life activities. The cold is like a second skin for the wolves living in this Island.

But to the alpha grunting with the fierce force he puts into pushing his boat that almost floated away into the ocean along with the waves to the coast, the coldness felt especially itchy and irritating. The sound of the calming waves he loved to sail along in his boat sounded like a siren in his wolf ears. The usual peace in the sandy beach is nowhere to be found.


There came a voice from the distance with an intention of holding him for a conversation which the alpha has been trying to avoid for the past few days. He inserts more force into his push,his muscles flexing uncomfortably under the pebble bracelet on his right arm his sister made for him. The heavy wooden boat drags hard against the sand and sits firmly on the ground in a safe distance from the wavy ocean.

“Yoongi-ah! wait!” The omega runs after the alpha that just turns away and starts walking in the opposite direction,ignoring the calls deliberately without any regret. His wet trousers sticks to his pale white thighs as he walks barefoot on the sand effortlessly before the omega catches up to his side.


“Get away” He cuts the omega before he even said anything and shakes his head like a wet dog to shake off the water dripping from his wet hair.

“Yaah!!” Hoseok jumps away from the alpha with a disgusted expression when the water sprays all over his face. “Are you crazy!?” He yells after the ignorant yoongi walking before him,smelling like a fish drenched in the salty ocean water.

“I told you to get away.” He simply says as he lets his eyes wander around the coast in a casual manner while the wind swept past them calmly. Not casting a single look at the omega who's looking pissed at his unbothered behavior.

“You should've said more clearly. I thought you're telling me to get lost like usual.” Hoseok wipe his face again and again with his sleeves and takes big steps to match the alpha's pace.

Yoongi doesn't give a comeback to the Omega's grumpy complaints and lets him do what he wants.

“Can't you be at least a little bit softer to the omegas? Is it really that hard to smile and be polite to the people who care about you?” The omega questions him like he's really very curious about the alpha's answer to that.

Yoongi is not stupid. He understands the underlying meaning behind the omega's casual questions.

‘Can't you be more soft and smile at Taehyung?’ is what the omega is trying to ask him. The acidic flavor of tangerine floats into the air and sends an alarming range of warning to the omega. But Hoseok isn't going to be phased by that. He needs his answer and he knows how to get it from the alpha who's trying so hard to look tough in front of his own feelings.

“What are you doing here? aren't you supposed to be at the head alpha's house now?” The alpha changes the subject, unconsciously exposing his thoughts to the healer omega walking side by side with him. Hoseok looks at him with his eyebrows raised in a fake surprise.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20 ⏰

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