Notebook entry #2

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October 16th, 2015

I went to the appointment and the doctor told me that I'm about three weeks along now, I also got tiny pictures of the tiny bean. I went to Dollar Tree to get a frame to put the picture in. I am excited, maybe the baby would change him and how he treated me.

Update: two hours and twenty minutes after He hit my stomach. He was so disappointed in me, I couldn't believe him. He kept hitting me and hitting me. I went to the ER to see if the baby was hurt. It was perfectly okay, I, on the other hand, had two broken ribs, a twisted ankle, and a concussion. I had to spend a few nights at the hospital and had to go into surgery. When I got home Charles was so mad, I immediately went into our room and locked myself in it. The day we got the Hospital bill was the day he kicked me out. In his words "You are an ungrateful (Insert bad word)" and I was then living on the streets of Chicago. I didn't want to go to my mother's in Washington State, I also didn't want to go to my father's in New York. I just took the nearest subway and took it to a random city. I ended up in Mississippi, It was okay but there was no one wanting to keep a pregnant lady in their houses. 

I took another subway, and I then ended up in Atlanta, Georgia. where I met the nicest lady to help me. She had kids of her own that were in college and they never visited so I took one of their rooms. I was so grateful. I called my father to tell him what happened and where I was, I made sure to give him the address of the house I was at in case of an emergency. I told him about the nice lady and how she was nice to let me live with her until I was back on my feet.

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