Part one; badly bruised

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Lucy and Tim are undercover as Jake and Sava in Las Vegas and they just got to the hotel room after the flight.(cops)

"Ugh, my head is killing me!" Lucy said while sitting on the bed " you're really good at this" Tim said and Lucy looked up " you know this whole undercover thing" He added and Lucy chuckled "Thanks" Lucy said as she gave him a slight smile " do you mind if I take the first shower?" Lucy asked "no, not at all" Tim replied and Lucy stood up and went to the bathroom "hey are you hungry?" Tim asked as he turned around to the bathroom door which was slightly open and he could see Lucy's naked back as she was changing.

"yeah, I would get some fries if you're ordering" Lucy said unaware of the situation. Tim froze a little and he was about to say something back but at that moment he saw that Lucy's back and a part of her stomach was full of bruises. "Yeah okay " Tim stuttered. Tim just sat on the bed thinking about what he just saw, he wanted to just ask her about it but then she would know that he had seen her half naked. Lucy came out of the shower.

"damn the water pressure is crazy" Lucy laughed but Tim didn't really respond. "Everything alright?" Lucy added worried "yeah I'm fine just really tired" Tim replied not knowing how to address the situation. "Alright, you can shower now if you want I'll go get changed" Lucy said as she gathered all her clothes, Tim stood up.

"yeah I'll go shower, do you need anything in the bathroom?" Tim asked "no I should be good" Lucy replied and Tim went to shower a few minutes later Tim was done and he wanted to get out but he realized that he had forgotten to get the towels " Shit" he said "what is it?" Lucy asked from the bedroom, Tim stopped the shower.

"yeah sorry I forgot the towels, they're laying on the bed can you bring them please?" Tim asked "yeah sure" Lucy grabbed the towels with one hand and closed her eyes with her other hand "here" she handed the towels over to Tim while looking the other way. "Thank you" Tim said as he chuckled. Lucy Laughed " Sava why are you being distant with me?" Tim joked "uh I don't know baby maybe because of the stunt with that little whore" Lucy joked back and they both laughed.

Tim came out of the shower and looked at Lucy acting surprised "what?" Lucy said "ehh, Lucy?" Tim said looking at her worried " what do you mea-" Lucy realized that she was only wearing a top and that her bruises were visible. Lucy threw on a vest "I'm sorry I should've have exposed myself like that" Lucy said apologetically " No Lucy what are you talking about I'm not talking about you're top I'm talking about you're bruises'' Tim said as he walked closer to her.

''oh that's nothing I tripped on the carpet at my apartment" Lucy said hoping he would drop it "Lucy, you can talk to me I'm a safe space I won't judge" Tim said and Lucy just stood there not saying anything. "It's okay Lucy" Tim added realizing Lucy was having a hard time "Nothing happened Tim, I'm fine I just tripped" Lucy said.

"Okay so what are we going to do with the sleeping situation?" Lucy added "Lucy" Tim said with a soft voice while holding Lucy's arm, Lucy flinched and Tim let go of her "T- Tim I'm fine, really" Lucy said trying to convince Tim "No Lucy you're not" Tim said as he raised his voice "please Tim calm down, I'm fine well I'm tired so can we go to bed please?" Lucy asked.

"fine, I'll sleep in the chair" Tim replied "No you won't, you deserve the bed as much as i do so we'll just sleep in the bed, it doesn't have to be weird right?" Lucy said looking at Tim "yeah sure I don't have a problem with that" Tim replied and they both got into the bed "Lucy you're almost falling off of the bed you can lay in the middle okay I won't bite" Tim said looking at Lucy.

"yeah I know but I don't want to make u uncomfortable" Lucy replied not moving an inch "you're making me uncomfortable by almost falling out of the bed so please lay in the bed not next to the bed" Tim said and Lucy giggled, she turned and laid in the middle "not so close, I want to breath yk" Tim joked.

"O I'm so sorry Tim" Lucy said and she went back to her old spot "L- Lucy I was joking, I'm sorry please lay however you want" Lucy didn't move so Tim pulled Lucy by her waist so she lay next to him, Lucy flinched again with feeling Tim's arm but she let him and giggled a bit.

Tim noticed and didn't know how to react, she was never like this flinching and very apologetically, what happened to her?! The next morning Lucy woke up first and stood up to do her makeup. "You know you don't have to wear makeup right?" Tim said as he woke up and stared at Lucy " hey sleeping beauty, thanks but it makes me feel pretty" Lucy replied "but you're always beautiful" Tim said still staring at her.

"thanks Jake." Lucy joked "no problem Lucy" Tim replied and they laughed. The OP was done and they flew back in Aaron's private jet. "Hey Lucy and Tim" Angela greeted them "how was your night together?" Angela joked as she looked at Aaron "Very funny Angela, good to see you too" Lucy said as she gave her a hug.

They went into the plane, Lucy and Aaron sat in the front and Angela and Tim sat in the back "Sooo, what did you and Lucy do last night?" Angela asked Tim, smiling from ear to ear. "Not much" Tim said as he rolled his eyes " But I am worried about her" Tim almost whispered " Go on" Angela replied.

"well Lucy showered and changed in a top and her whole back and stomach were full of bruises and when I asked about them she apologised for ' exposing herself' " Tim said and Angela looked a bit surprised " When I told her that I was talking about her bruises she said she fell on her carpet" He added as he gave Angela a look.

"You think she lied?" Angela asked " I know she lied, she can't lie to me Ang, Lucy tried to drop it but I couldn't let it slide, I tried to hold her arm to comfort her but she flinched, she has never done that before" Tim said with a worried face "That doesn't sound like Lucy" Angela said. Later they arrived at the station and they all went their separate ways. Lucy entered her apartment, utterly exhausted.

As she opened the front door, she was greeted by the sight of Chris on the couch, clearly drunk. Sensing his bad mood, Lucy attempted to slip past him unnoticed, but Chris caught sight of her. "Look who finally decided to grace us with her presence! Where the hell have you been?!" Chris said, rising to his feet to confront her. "Chris, please, just sit down. You've had too much to drink," Lucy said, her voice tinged with concern.

"YOU DON'T GET TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Chris roared, his words slurred with intoxication. "Now tell me, where the hell have you been?!" "I already told you, I was on an undercover assignment in Las Vegas," Lucy replied, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and exhaustion. "Are you afraid of me now?" Chris taunted, a drunken smirk playing on his lips.

Without warning, he lashed out, striking Lucy repeatedly. The blows landed first on her stomach, then her chest, and finally her face. "Chris, please, stop... just stop," Lucy pleaded through the pain, her thoughts consumed by the inevitability of the bruises that would soon mark her skin.

Chris only got more mad, his punches growing harder and more relentless. Lucy was thrown to the ground, her body battered by his kicks. Despite her efforts to defend herself, Chris's strength proved overwhelming. After what felt like an eternity, Chris finally collapsed onto the couch, succumbing to the alcohol-induced haze of sleep. Seizing the opportunity to escape further harm, Lucy staggered to her feet and made her way to the safety of the bedroom.

With trembling hands, she locked the door behind her. She stayed there the whole night, she couldn't sleep, she just cried the whole night, until her alarm went off, she had to get ready for work. She looked into the mirror "shit" she said looking at her face which was badly bruised, she tried to cover it up with foundation and concealer it worked but it took ages.

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