Part two; what is going on?!

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*in the roll call room* "Okay let's get started for today." Grey started as everyone sat down "the midnight shift has left us with enough work so-... where's officer Chen?" Grey asked and everyone looked around "Harper did you see her in the changing rooms?" Tim asked her as he started to panic a little bit, she was never late and the last time she was late she was abducted. "No I didn't see her" Nyla answered, Tim looked at Angela with 'that' look.

"W- what is that Bradford, Lopez?!" Grey asked, at that point Chen walked in the roll call room " sorry I'm late" she said in a calm voice, everyone breathed a sigh of relief "where the hell have you been?" Grey said sternly, Lucy flinched a bit "I'm sorry my alarm didn't go off" she answered. Tim looked at Angela who nodded as a confirmation that she also saw her flinch. Everyone was still staring at her "wait what's going on?" Chen asked still standing in the middle of the room.

"well the last time you where late you were abducted so" Nolan said "yeah I remember, but I am 3 minutes late" Lucy replied "yeah but Nyla didn't see you I'm the changing rooms so we thought the worst" Grey added " Well, thanks for the worries, im okay so please go on" Lucy said "fine okay, the late night shift left us with enough work....". *after roll call* Lucy was back on gofer duty because metro didn't need Tim today. "I'll get the gear, '' Lucy said as she walked away a bit in a hurry.

"What the hell is going on with Chen?" Grey asked Tim and Angela "She has been like this since the OP, she is flinching and apologized for literally everything yesterday" Tim said looking at Angela, not wanting to tell Grey about her bruises. "Yeah she has been a little distant but I'm sure it's nothing" Angela added not wanting to put Lucy in a bad position " Well please tell me if you know what's going on" Grey added "I will'' Tim said and he walked to the shop, Lucy already sat in the passenger seat.

Tim walked to the driver's seat "so we're not going argue about who drives?" Tim joked and Lucy chuckled a bit. The morning was quiet "lunch time?" Tim implied "yeah sounds good" Lucy replied "shall we meet up with the rest?" She asked "yeah sure" they went and had lunch. "Ready to get back out there Chen?" Tim asked her "yeah, I just have to go to the bathroom quickly" Lucy answered, "yeah sure I'll be waiting in the shop" Tim added and Lucy went to the bathroom.

She fixed her makeup and went to the shop "what took you so long?" Tim joked, "I'm sorry" Lucy said apologetically. "Lucy, I was joking, will you please tell me what's going on now you're shaky you're suddenly flinching and apologizing for everything" Tim said very worried about her "Tim, nothing is going on, will you please drop it now I'm fine" Lucy said avoiding eye contact.

"No Lucy, I won't drop it, you're clearly not okay" Tim added, "look you don't have to tell me but please tell someone, I'm worried about you" Tim finished. "Tim, I'm fine. I'm honestly just very tired from not sleeping because of my bruises but once they fade i'll get better" Lucy said hoping Tim would drop it "Are you taking any medicine?" Tim asked "yeah some and they help but when I lay in bed I have nothing left to think of so it just hurts'' Lucy added.

"I'm sorry luce, it will get better" Tim replied "thanks for looking out for me " "Always." After finishing their shift, Lucy headed home while Tim approached Angela at her desk. "Hey, Ang, can I talk to you?" Tim asked, concern evident in his voice. Angela nodded in response, and they moved to a more private area.

"So, I pushed a bit about Lucy's situation, and she told me she was just really tired from bad sleep due to her bruises," Tim explained. Angela considered this for a moment. "Well, it does make sense. I mean, if her bruises are as severe as you described, I wouldn't be able to sleep either," she remarked. "Yeah, but I still feel like she's not telling us everything. I know those bruises couldn't have come from just falling," Tim expressed, his worry deepening.

"Do you think she's being abused?" Angela inquired, her concern mirroring Tim's. Before they could delve further into their conversation, Grey interjected, seeking updates on Lucy's situation. Tim and Angela exchanged knowing glances, realising they couldn't keep the truth concealed any longer. Tim recounted the entirety of Lucy's ordeal to Grey. "Wait, so you guys think Lucy is being abused?" Grey asked, his expression grave.

"Yeah, but let's keep it discreet for now. We're not certain, and we don't want to jeopardise her," Angela advised. "Okay, understood. But this is serious, so we need to keep a close eye on her in the coming days," Grey affirmed. Tim and Angela nodded in agreement before heading home. As Lucy arrived at her apartment, she couldn't help but hope that Chris wouldn't be there. As Lucy entered her apartment, her heart sank at the sight of Chris. Summoning up the courage to speak, she greeted him.

"Hey, Chris. How was your day?" Chris's response was anything but friendly. "Did I say you could talk to me?" he snapped, advancing towards her. Lucy recoiled, the scent of alcohol on his breath making her stomach churn. Lucy suggested making dinner. "Please, Chris, calm down. What do you want to eat?" "Fine, make me some burgers. But you're not eating tonight, okay? You still need to lose some weight." Lucy's heart sank further at his callous words.

"But I haven't eaten since yesterday," she protested, her voice tinged with defeat. "Yeah, and you still look fat. You should be ashamed," Chris added. Lucy silently prepared dinner, forcing herself to ignore the ache in her stomach and the bruises marring her skin. After serving Chris his meal, she went to bed.

The next day Lucy woke up early to do her makeup again, skipped breakfast "Hey Lucy" Chris said as he woke up "Hey chris, I made breakfast do you want some too?" Lucy asked in a sweet voice hoping to stay on Chris's good side "Nah, I'll take your breakfast. Remember you still need to lose weight" Chris said with a smirk. Lucy didn't even protest and went to work.

*after roll call* "Thorson get the gear" Lucy said as she walked to the shop "Yes Ma'am" Aaron replied "Hey Aaron" , Angela interrupted him "Hey, whats up?" Aaron replied "Will you please keep a close eye on Lucy today, she's been off and if something happens please give us a call" Angela asked "Yeah, sure I can do that" Aaron replied and Angela nodded. "7 Adam- 100, we need additional units and an RA to a public stabbing in Santa Monica" Lucy and Aaron heard over the radio.

"7 Adam-19, show us responding" Lucy and Aaron arrived at the scene, Lucy stepped out of the shop and stumbled a little bit "Officer Chen, are you okay?" Aaron asked "Yeah Thorsen i'm fine, just slipped a bit" Lucy responded and they went to cordon off the crime scene to keep people from coming and disturb the injured. "Chen Thorsen" Grey called out to them and they walked over "Yeah sarge" Lucy answered.

"Okay there has been a guy who just started stabbing people around him and one person died on the scene so I need you two to try and get as many witness statements as you can" Aaron nodded but Lucy didn't respond. "Chen?" Grey said but still no response, she just stood there feeling lightheaded and zoned out "Chen?!" Grey repeated and he tipped Lucy's arm.

Lucy flinched and Grey backed off "Yes, sorry sarge. Well get started" Lucy said as she walked away. Aaron and Grey shared looks "Keep an eye on her, I mean it" Grey said in a serious tone "Yes sarge, will do". Aaron and Chen took everyones statement and went back on patrol. They had a nice, slow day the rest of the day "Ready to head back to the station and finish the paperwork Thorsen?" Lucy asked him "Yes ma'am". They pulled up and met up with everyone.

"Hey Thorsen" Angela asked "Yes ma'am" "So, how's Chen been?" Angela asked "Well, she has been a little dreamy and she didn't always stay that stable and when Grey tipped her arm she flinched idk'' Aaron answered and Angela sighted "Well sounds like she didn't get any better" Angela replied "I guess so" Aaron said and they went back to the group.

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