Chapter 6: I Bid You Adieu

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The court...

Finds you...

Guilty... Guilty... Guilty...

Cain: He was in handcuffs, staring at the judge who had casted her verdict. He was stunned- he didn't mean to kill his three friends! No, this was a major misunderstanding! Wait! This is wrong! I promise you it was a freak accident!! He starts getting dragged by the two officers again.

Judge: Oh? She looks at him. If that were the case, you would have come clean months ago. But instead, you ran. You left families without answers for so long, them basking in darkness- wondering what happened to their loved ones. You could have saved them so much stress, but you decided to run and protect your own feelings over everyone else's. Your selfish act will not be forgiven, and you will serve the 35-year sentence for your actions.

Cain: He starts tearing up. No... Please... I'm grieving too... I'm grieving too!! The screen fades to black, and then comes back to him sitting in the cell bed, staring at the wall. He stares and stares, wondering why... Why him...?  Debbie was right, he had no business being alive. He did a very stupid thing, and yet he was the one that got to walk away from it? He stares at the cell window, looking at the sunny sky. He gets up, sees a rope near his ankle, and sees the window. He nods. Debbie... Wherever you are... I will fix history... For you... He picks up the rope. I will... Finish the job the car should have done.

Fade to black. The scene cuts to Perri inside of her house, watching TV. She was glaring at that same photo that made Caleb rush over- Her son, moments before she would see him last... A tear ran down her face as she heard the knock on her door. She gets up, answers it, and gasps.

Caleb: He hesitates before saying. Mother.

Perri: Caleb... Oh my gosh, is that you...?

Caleb: He nods. I came because I want to know why you didn't tell me when you first found out.

Perri: Oh dear- Caleb, you left the family, I didn't think you'd be interested in returning! I'm sorry I cannot see the future!

Caleb: They keep fighting at the door. Really? Not even ONE call to see if I was bluffing?! I was 14, mom! I could have been having a moment! This makes Perri slowly fume. I mean, you just LET me go! You didn't even TRY to get me to stay, you fought and fought like the overbearing and clingy mother you are! I mean- now when being that way would have HELPED, you chose to just assume I was dead. Come ON, mom! What sort of mother lets her 14-year-old out of her life that easily-

Perri: Screams SHUT UP, CALEB!! He flinches as she rolls down tears. If you came to berate me, this is the WRONG time for it! I let you go because I wanted to be that mother you wanted- to give you privacy. And look at you, with your selfish ways! I'm mourning your brother while you're using his corpse as an excuse to tell me off. What the FUCK is wrong with you?! Have you no shame?! He starts to think, and then feels bad. You would pick on a woman who is at her lowest?! You are a bad boy, and maybe it WAS for the best I let you go!

Caleb and his mother take a moment. They both said some pretty harsh things and needed some time to process what had been said. Finally, Caleb sighs.

Caleb: Todd wouldn't have wanted us to fight.

Perri: Surprised and looks at him. What did you say...?

Caleb: Todd... If he were here seeing this... He would break this up. He's... Your good son, Perri. He turns around and hangs his head. I won't waste any more of your time.

Perri: Now wait just a minute! She places a hand on his shoulder. Where do you think you're going?! And why did you call me by my name? That's MOTHER to you, Caleb!

Caleb: He smiles a bit, before looking at the street. I knew that would catch you off guard... And... I'm sorry I left all those years ago. He turns around, and looks at his crying mother, who gives him a big hug.

Perri: Listen, Caleb, I'm just glad you're back. I don't know what I would have done if... If you... Didn't come back... She tries to control her tears, and Caleb nods.

Caleb: It's okay, let it all out, Mom. Go ahead. He comforts her, finding some peace in knowing that their family wasn't as badly torn as he had thought. They were still able to come together during this terrible time, even after all those years...

Perri: After a little while, Perri and Caleb sit inside the house, across from each other in the small dinner table for two she had. So, what are you planning to do now that you're back? Do you want to stay a while?

Caleb: He looks outside the window and nods, holding his hot cocoa in his hands, thinking. Y'know, mom, I do want to actually do something that you might find a bit crazy...

Perri: Oh dear, Caleb, please don't get yourself killed too, I don't think I could handle that.

Caleb: He chuckles. No no, I meant that tomorrow I was planning on trying to figure out what Todd's final moments were. It's such a broad thing to say he died in a car crash, so... I want to know what caused that car crash, as there's a rumor going around that I want to see if it's true.

Perri: Concerned but interested. You're not planning on talking to that Cain boy, are you?

Caleb: I have a visiting hour with him tomorrow. He smiles. Let's just say I have a friend who's in a high place in that prison- said he could bend some of the visiting rules to my liking, so I'd be facing Cain in the actual cell. None of that phone and behind the glass stuff.

Perri: Clearly against the idea. I said NOT to get yourself killed! You're going in there with all those prisoners!!

Caleb: It's fine, I'll be guarded by guards and officers. But mom, don't you want to know what your son's final moments were like as well? Surely, you're not satisfied with just a "oh it was a car accident", are you?

Perri: She thinks for a moment, before sighing. Look, I can see where this is going, so fine. I'll tag along with you to the prison. But if a prisoner gets too close to me, I am going to kick you out of this family for good.

Caleb: Don't worry, mom. The guards will make sure we're safe, okay? Just ease up! He laughs as his mother gets annoyed at his overly care-free attitude. They continued to laugh the night away. Were they happy? Yes, but not too happy to the point where they forgot what had happened. Were they sad? Yes, but there was no need to be! They reconnected in an unlikely way.  A swirl of emotions is taking them by storm, so they had to make the most of a bad situation.

Cain would not see another day. That night, Cain rights his wrong by sadly taking his own life. The guards see this, and alert Caleb and Perri, who are both VERY disappointed in the news. Their final chance at finding out what had happened is now gone. They will never get the full closure, only the half opened one that everyone else had gotten. It was a sad ending to an even sadder event.

There is one more chapter to this story. A chapter to wrap this all up. A chapter to give one last perspective... A perspective not yet seen.

One that may change the course of this story... Forever.

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