Chapter 1: Everything Is Fine

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Cain wakes up from another night of dreaming and sits up in his bed. It is a Monday. A very bright, very sunny Monday. He gets up, brushes his teeth, cooks himself a nice omelet and decides that today will be a good day. He gets dressed and must report to work soon. As he steps out of his house, he is greeted by the warmth of the sun, and he smiles just as bright as it. He walks down to his neighbor's driveway, and while passing by, decides to wave at his friend's mother, who was clearly making breakfast as well through her window.

Cain: Todd's mom! Hello!

Perri: She stares at him, and squints. Seemingly annoyed, she only says four words to Cain. Don't talk to me. 

Cain: He tilts his head in confusion. What? But why? Before he could finish speaking, the curtains of her house hide her face and cover her window. He gets concerned. Todd's mother used to be such a sweet lady, so he wonders what could have changed that. But, before he could get lost in that thought, a tap on his shoulder is felt. He turns around, and sees...

Todd: Hey Cain! He smiles.

Cain: Speak of the devil- well, more like think of the devil! He gives Todd a fist bump and laughs a bit. Long weekend, how've you been, man?

Todd: He returns the fist bump as the two walk down the sidewalk together. I've been fine! Just decided to spend some time with my mother.

Cain: Oh! What happened with her, by the way? I tried to give her a friendly hello, but she just... Gave me the curtain and refused to engage in conversation with me.

Todd: Really? He puts his index finger and thumb on his chin, signaling that he's thinking about it. You know, she has been a bit grumpy ever since Caleb and I both left her.

Cain: Caleb? Is that your brother you sort of remember but not really because he wound up leaving your family when you were 6?

Todd: That's the one. He chuckles a bit, but it's more of an uncomfortable chuckle. Ever since he left, my mom's been a bit more needy. Having me around eased her mind, but when she begged me to not move out that day, I knew deep down it was because she wanted some sort of purpose in life. She wasn't ready to lose her older son when he grew 14, but she also never wanted to lose her second son, me, when I turned 17. In short, I think deep down she didn't mean to take it out on you, but she's been miserable because her life feels... Empty, now.

Cain: Poor lady. But hey, at least you and Caleb are healthy and well. She should be at least a little relieved you two didn't go the wrong way in life.

Todd: I guess. We're good kids, Caleb just fought with mom a bit too much to the point where he couldn't take it anymore. So, he left on a sour note, whereas I left on a more somber one.

Cain: Wow, that's... Quite a lot of info. Why share it with me now?

Todd: Gets reluctant. Oh, I don't know... You'd laugh or think I'm crazy.

Cain: C'mon Todd! Just tell me! 

Todd: Promise you won't make fun of me?

Cain: I promise.

Todd: He lets out a deep sigh before nodding. Okay. I don't know why, but I feel like there is something in the air. Something like a bad omen, if you will. This isn't the first time I've felt it, I've been feeling this for about 3 months.

Cain: 3 months ago? Gets upset after counting the time in his mind. This better not be the day I think it is!

Todd: Realizes why Cain is upset and gets nervous. No no no! Not your birthday! I'm talking about a few days before it! It's just a coincidence that your birthday fell right at the time of my little "bad omen" spell. I didn't mean to offend you, Cain- honest!

Cain: He sighs. Apology accepted, I guess. I'm just glad me celebrating my special day didn't make you grow weary of the world.

Todd: Not at all! 

The two of them reach Cain's office building. Cain waves Todd off and walks in to start his workday. Everyone in the office ignores Cain, except for his next friend Suzie, who is happy to see him. They stand by the water cooler, talking, hoping their boss doesn't notice them slacking off for a bit. But then, Cain sees Suzie rubbing her neck.

Suzie: Ah, damn neck sores.

Cain: Why don't you get them checked out? Those things don't seem to be going away.

Suzie: No... No, I'm fine, trust me. She smiles and tries to stop rubbing it, but after a bit more soreness creeps up on her she cannot help it and gets back to soothing her injury with her hand.

Cain: You always say that, but then you go back to trying to massage your neck back to health.  Suzie, it's clear you need to see a professional for that.

Suzie: She sighs. Do you think I want to stay like this, Cain? No. But I can't see a professional. It is just not possible to cure this with them, I'm sorry to say. You can push this issue more, but I won't guarantee I'll be talking with you much if you do.

Cain: Alright, alright. He knew he couldn't lose a friend- he only had three, after all. So, if she doesn't want to help herself, who was he to continue annoying her about it? But there was one thing that was still bothering him. Wait, but why can't any doctor do anything about it- What condition do you have?

Suzie: Well, I- She continues talking, but Cain hears his boss yell at him.

Nathan: Cain! What the hell are you standing around for?! Stop muttering to yourself over there and get back to work!

Cain: He gets upset as Suzie walks off. Great. He gets in trouble, but Suzie gets off scott-free. Did she walk away and forget to tell Cain the boss was coming? Or is the boss favoring her? He better not- he signed the equality contract stating all employees are to be treated equally regardless of what they look like... Whatever, his shift would end in the blink of an eye- he might as well just work in his cubicle and get through it.

Work was the best thing, because it makes the evening hang outs at the Campsite much more rewarding. Each day, Cain and his friends would go out to the nearby woods to camp out. Cain recommended this place, as he felt a sort of ease, a sort of... Calm. Much needed, since Todd was experiencing that... Whatever it was.

Todd: Sitting by the campfire with Suzie and Cain nearby. When I was younger, I wanted to be a scientist. Nowadays, I want to be an astronaut.

Suzie: She giggles and playfully shoves his shoulder. Astronaut?! That is such a childish dream!

Todd: Looks at Suzie, chuckling. What? You can't say that! You need to be an adult to be one!

Cain: I think Todd should be allowed to dream about whatever he wants to. 

Todd: Thank you, Cain.

Debbie: She silently sits there, not interacting with anyone.

Cain: Hey Debbie? What's wrong?

Debbie: Nothing... I just like seeing you guys mingle... But that's it. I don't have much else to say.

Todd: Quiet, huh? He seems to be alluding to the fact Debbie may not have been always quiet.

Cain: Hey, off it, Todd. She doesn't have much to say, she doesn't have much to say. That's all.

Todd: I was just poking at her! He smiles and sits back, admiring the stars with Suzie.

Cain stares at this sight... The friends that he has, the beautiful starry night sky... This was... Good. The ideal scenario- The scenario he always wanted. Nobody could take this away from him, not even an entire town that got angry at him for seemingly no reason. He smiles, glad to have these guys... And he will treasure them forever.

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