Chapter 5: Cast Your Verdict

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Cain's house: Three Months ago.

Cain was carrying some duffel bags outside. Todd and Suzie can be seen next to his car, talking to one another. Cain walks on over to them.

Cain: Oh, okay good! You two loaded your luggage already. That saves us some time!

Todd: Looks out towards Debbie's house, which was a couple of blocks down. Yeah, but Debbie still isn't here yet. Man, what is taking that girl so long to get here?

Suzie: She was on her phone, playing a game. Beats me, maybe she woke up late?

Todd: Looks at Suzie's phone. Want to give her a call- since you're already on your phone?

Suzie: I only hopped on because you started complaining about Debbie.

Todd: He chuckles and swipes Suzie's phone. Fine then, I'll call her.

Suzie: Starts trying to snatch it back, laughing. Hey, give it back you ass!

Cain: He sees Debbie running down the street. Hey- Todd! Suzie... They don't seem to notice Cain calling them. HEY!! Suzie and Todd jolt up, and look at Cain. Debbie's coming, look.

Debbie: I am so sorry I'm late! I wanted to set the automatic sprinklers to water my flowers before we went off to that cabin!

Cain: No worries! Just load your stuff into the trunk and we can get on our way.

Todd: Cool! Runs around the car. Shotgun!

Suzie: Calmly opens up the door next to her. How childish. Whatever, I wanted to sit in the back with Debbie anyways, incase we needed to bad mouth Todd.

Todd: Turns around and looks at her from the front seat. What?

Suzie: And that's why it's super easy to do that. She giggles.

Cain: Laughs a bit. Just remember, we don't want to pick on Todd too much. His mother would not let us hear the end of it if Todd comes home angry.

Todd: Hey! He pats Cain in the shoulder. I'm not THAT much of a mother's boy!

Suzie: She laughs as Debbie gets into the car. Well your clingy mother would have us believing otherwise.

Debbie: Why is your mother always clinging onto you, anyways?

Todd: He shakes his head. I'm trying to have fun on this trip, so I'd rather not get into it.

Cain: That's fair. He backs out of his driveway and gets to the road, but stops for a bit, and looks into his rearview mirror. Alright, you guys ready for an awesome time in the woods?!

Todd: Hell yeah!

Suzie: Let's go!

Debbie: I cannot wait to see some wildflowers!

Cain: Alright! He looks in front of him and starts driving. Let's get this party started!

The group fly down the highway and are beginning their long trip towards the campsite where their cabin was. Everything was smooth sailing, and it matches what Cain had saw in his dream on Wednesday- happy chatter, laughing, joking, lots of positive noise. Cain kept his eyes on the road the entire time, until...

Debbie: No, aw man!

Todd: Oh, COME ON!!

Suzie: Don't tell me we ran into traffic!

Cain: Great. This truck is blocking our side! A truck was stuck on the right side of the bridge, with the left side having no traffic in comparison. Cain sees this and gets an idea. Hey guys, what if I just drive around this guy?

Suzie: Looks around. What? Wait, you're not going to go on the other lane, against all incoming traffic, are you?

Todd: That would be BADASS! He looks back at her. Plus, there's no other cars coming! It would be a quick and dirty deal and then we'd get back to the smooth sailing we enjoyed beforehand.

Suzie: She shrugs. As long as you two know what you're doing.

Debbie: WHAT?! No! That's a horrible idea! She was panicking, worried that the dangerous idea would wind up being their last.

Cain: Hey, relax Debbie. Watch as I prove that it's okay. He turns his car down to the other lane and drives on it. The truck was longer than expected, and it had a fender-bender with two fellow trucks. 

Todd: Staring at it. What- was this a truck convoy gone wrong?

Cain: Looking over, eyes off where he was going. Yeah, looks like it.

Debbie: The voice from the dream was finally revealed. Cain!! Turn around!! Look ahead of you!

Cain: Looks at Debbie. Debbie, I don't like your attitude. First you were late and then you dare to-

Suzie: OH SHIT, CAIN!!!



Cain: He turns around to see the same truck from his dream charging at him. Back then, he didn't think he would survive, seeing as this massive truck sent his car off the road and into a pretty steep ditch. And the fact that any of them had survived? It was a total miracle. Well, a miracle for the one who didn't deserve it. Cain witnesses the same dream from the second night- Suzie's neck snapped as her body laid against a tree, Todd's decapitated body sticking out from a bush, Debbie crawling towards him while lying in a flower patch. But this time, her words are heard, as no dream magic can make him forget now.

Debbie: It... Should have been you... It should have been... She falls to the floor, and remains motionless, as Cain watches in horror. His car was missing too- they have seemingly flown out of the car while it was crashing down here. Cain musters some strength to pick himself up from the floor, and he hears the police driving above the ditch where they fell. He runs off in horror, not wanting to accept the fact his friends are dead, wanting to forget any of this happened, wishing he could go back in time and just wait behind that truck convoy... He runs and runs, not having an end goal, just wanting to leave this miserable mess behind him.

Present day. The scenario is in a new apartment, with the news on the tv. A man is seen walking over to the couch with a bowl of ramen and a fork. He sets it down on the coffee table and unmutes the TV.

News Anchor: Today we bring some relief to the hearts of three families who lost their loved ones three months ago, as 19-year-old Cain Sontri was finally taken into custody after having disappeared for 3 months without a word. Sources and eyewitnesses say that he was with the three victims the last time that anyone had saw them alive. Cain was not suspected at first to have been linked to their deaths, but once he showed signs of schizophrenia, that is when everyone who helped bring him in put two and two together, realizing that it was not a coincidence that he was "talking" to those individuals every day. If you need a reminder, the individuals are Suzie Engerow, Debbie Barajahn, and Todd McGrove-

Man: The man almost chokes on his ramen as he hears that name. He looks up and sees a picture of current day Todd smiling, looking back at him. He pauses the tv, and stares at it. No... Todd's dead...? But Mom never told me anything about that! If she knew he was dead months ago... Why didn't see call me?! He starts to tear up. I... Can't believe this... I cannot believe my little brother's dead, and I never knew about it till now... He looks at his front door and nods. I know what I have to do. He gets up, turns off the tv, throws the remote onto the couch, and washes the dishes. He then gets dressed, goes to the door, and opens it. As it closes, the viewer gets a good look at the picture frame he keeps on a cabinet in his kitchen. On the frame shows two small boys, and a younger Perri with her arms around them. This was Caleb McGrove, Todd's older, estranged brother, who left the family when Todd was 6. Things have never been the same since that night for Perri, but she was about to get a very unexpected surprise.

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