The Meeting

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Ok, so it's out! I made it! Somehow... Also! Thank you for the people who have read this far! 19 reads in two days since publishing! Crazy stuff! Bye bye!

Mary followed America into his car, pointing the camera at his scrunched up face. He slammed on the gas petal and muttered to himself.

"Oh f*ck.... late.... mad.... " America swerved around cars, all the while somehow obeying the speed limit and laws. He finished by driving up to the UN building. He let out a breath.

But as America stepped out of the car, he became a new person. His posture sagged, and his frantic face turned into a fake Hollywood smile. Mary made sure these changes were caught on camera. Mary was just able to catch the words 'play your part' on camera.

America slowly made his up to the building, slamming the door open, making his presence known. Mary crept in before the door managed to bang shut.

America looked around quickly, his eyes darting around the room. Mary dove behind a nearby couch, hoping he wouldn't continue his search.

America strolled leisurely down the hall toward the meeting room.

Mary climbed on a lampshade and, using the coat rack, climbed into the air vents. Not wanting to miss anything, Mary expertly made her way through the vents, the dirt and grime making her cringe.

She was hoping it wouldn't leave a stain, which would lead to many unwanted questions.

Mary found the right pot, settling in and pointing the camera out over the meeting room. Several countries were already there, sitting while Germany gave a presentation.

She saw UK, and stiffened. He looked so punchable. Really punchable. Really really punchable. Mary shook her head, trying to rid the thought. 

As if on cue, America walked in.

"The hero is here." Several other countries groaned, while others snickered at what they thought was a young and egotistical country, unfit for his position.

"Get to your seat, America." America rolled his eyes at the tone but made his way to his seat. "Also, any excuse for why you are late, again?" America was silent.

"He probably spent all night playing video games!" Suggested France.

"Or was too busy stuffing his face with hamburgers!" UK added.

America was clearly uncomfortable but didn't let it show as his smile only got more strained. Nobody seemed to notice. Except Mary and the camera.

"Well, I hope everyone filled out the paperwork on the global warming issue." Nods.

America was growing more nervous, fidgeting in his seat. "Will you be still, bloody git!" England yelled at America.

The country nodded but kept playing with his fingers. He racked his brain for his notes and was able to remember the key points.

As America stepped up to the podium, he tried not to wince when he heard all the insults getting thrown around in different languages. He bit his lip.

"My economy has been doing well lately, an-" A loud groan came from the back of the room. Japan stood up.

"Why is it always about you! Your economy, your people, your amazing burgers, and democracy! We get it! Your country is spectacular!" Japan ranted.

"We don't all revolve around you, fat idiot. Go do us all a favor and die!" Mary winced from her spot, letting all the viewers hear all the horrible words getting thrown at her father.

America winced. "If you had just let me continue -" he mumbled.

"Oh, so you could rant about how hamburgers would save the world, fat*ss!" America quickly went to his seat, trying to avoid the avalanche of insults heading his way.

It didn't work.

America almost looked relieved when his phone rang. The American anthe, rang through the room.

"Sorry, I got to take this." America picked up the phone, clearly growing more distressed as the call continued, forgetting the other countries were there.

"Did you try to use the extinguisher.... I don't know...I'm in a meeting... yes... fine... I'll be there in a few minutes." Mary instantly knew the call was with her siblings.

"I got to go!" America yelled over his shoulder as he ran toward the door.

Maryland rushed out the door, following America as he went.

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