The Car Ride

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Russia nervously followed America outside, chilled by his show of power. America didn't turn around until he had reached the car, gesturing toward a black truck.

"So... Russia. I got to warn you. The kids, they can be lot..." Russia nodded absent-mindedly, finding himself watching the American's mouth as it moved, wondering how it would feel to press up against them...

"Hey, Rusky, you doing alright?" America gave him a concerned look, and Russia was brought out of his thoughts.

Russia blushed a deep red, making him resemble a tomato, and looked away.

"Hey Russia, your face is all red! Are you sure you're alright?" America looked him up and down, looking for any signs of discomfort.

"I-I'm just a little hot!" Russia hated the way his voice stuttered while speaking, cursing under his breath in Russian.

"Russia, no need to use such profound language!" America took a ten back, holding up his hands.

"What do you mean? I was speaking in Russian." Russia looked at America intrigued.

"Oh well, because of all the immigrants and lack of an official language, I learned all of them!" America shrugged like ot was no big deal, but puffed put his chest a little, which Russia found adorable.

"THAT'S AMAZING! HOW DID- YOU WHEN- CAN YOU! THAT'S SO COOL!" Russia was flabbergasted, and it was America's turn to blush. America turned his head slightly, though, so Russia wouldn't notice.

"I-it was-sn't tha-ar har-rd." America sstuttered, confused about his sudden lack of usual confidence.

Russia snorted, raising an eyebrow at the American. America just rolled his eyes, beckoning for him to enter the car.

Russia hopped in beside America and sat in an uncomfortable silence, as America made his way through the winding streets of the countryside. Russia pressed his face up against the glass, marveling at the open fields of wheat.

"So... what do you like to do in your free time?" Russia drawled trying to start a conversation with the normally chatty American

"I don't have free time. I spend my hours taking care of the children, working, taking care of my country, and supporting other's countries. You know, being the world superpower and all." America's answer was short, and his voice was cold. Russia inwardly cringed at his stupid question.

"But, I love learning about different cultures." America's voice softened, noticing Russia's dejected look.

Russia perked up, asking about his recent discoveries. America's eyes practically lit up and started an hour long ramble about South American culture and how good the food was.

Russia sat there, content to hear America prattle on for hours.

Russia noticed how America quieted once they entered a thick forest.

"Okay, I gotta warn you, some states aren't the biggest fans of you. With the whole selling Alaska thing. Best don't bring up England. They hate him with a special passion."

Russia nodded, nervous to meet Alaska for the first time. what would he be like? Would he hate him? Russia felt his head soon, but America patted him reassuringly.

"You'll be OK. They'll love you." Russia gave the America a thankful smile and felt his nerves relax.

They pulled into a large driveway, and Russia gave at the beautiful house. It was the spitting image of the White House. Knowing America built it made it all the more impressive.

Russia gave a pong whistle, and America gave him a cheeky smile.

The moment America stepped out of the car, children rushed to him, enveloping him in a suffocating hug. There was a deafening yell of:

"Dada!" The states all cheered as he gave them a weak smile.

Then they noticed Russia. Their smiles dropped quickly, and their eyes shot daggers at him.

"Well, well, well, look who it is? The commie bastard!" Mississippi said, brandishing a sharp knife that had appeared out of nowhere.

"Come to join the party?" Vermont said in a sickly sweet voice, an axe slung over his shoulder.

"Come on guys, he's our guest." America scolded his children, and they sighed, giving their weapons to their father's outstretched hands.

"Russia is going to be staying with us for a while. No complaints." America looked down at his children, raising an eyebrow, as if daring them to say anything.

None of them did.

Smart children.

America pushed open the grand doors, leading to the common area. The states were still giving Russia death stares, so he made sure to keep close to America. Not that he minded.

"Well, I'm going to prepare dinner! How about lasagna?" Yes, was his resounding response. America smiled, adoring at his children, before happily walking off.

Russia watched his like a loved runs fool before quickly himself out of his trance. Stay on subject.

The last thing he heard was the sick chuckling behind him.

.   .    .

Russia felt his arms tied tightly behind him. He struggled, confused and scared. As his senses slowly started to wake up, he noticed he was tied to an old wooden chair, his bonds sturdy ropes.

Russia quickly studied the room, taking in the dark lighting, barely illuminating the room. His eyes widened as he saw a state wearing western clothing, and one with a very formal dress attire approached him.

"This doesn't have to be hard." The nicely dressed on," Washington told him, wearing a strained smile.

"But it certainly can be." The western one added menacingly. Texas then. Texas held up a small pistol, studying it with a sadistic smirk playing on his lips.

All the other states stepped out of the shadows surrounding Russia.

"But we want you out."

Wow! Another chapter done. This one took a while to write as well! I'm pretty proud of this one, and would love comments, votes, or even, dare I dream, subscribers. Thanks! If you have any requests for characters, how to makethe story better, scenes, or story ideas, I'mnalways open to improving! Thanks a ton!

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