The Reaction

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Does anyone actually read these? Maybe? Well first, I would like to thank all the readers! It brings me so much joy to see people reading and commenting on the story. And yes, I read every comment. It also means a lot if you could vote! Thank you!

But first things second, this story is 3rd in rusame! And I'm not even to that part yet! But yes there will be rusame later on, though it won't take up the whole plot.

I would like to thank you again! I appreciate y'all so much, and go enjoy the world out there!

After Mary and America left, the meeting resumed. France and Britian started fighting over who knows what, China started yelling about debts, Italy was inciting everyone to try his pasta, Russia was giving off a killer area, and Germany was trying to establish order.

Japan was swiping through her phone, snickering at videos of people doing idiotic things, her fingers reaching for the like button every once in a while.

Japan loved CountryTube, especially because it worked as an amazing distraction from the chaos of the world meetings. The country opened the trending tab, her eyes popping at the video blog that held number one.

Billions of views! In a day! Japan, curious about what could have caught the world's attention, read the short description. If her eyes could have fallen right out of her head, Japan's eyes would have been on the floor and rolling away, like one of Italy's meatballs.

Japan ran to the front of the room, wanting to share the video with the rest of the countries so they could all could react together.

Japan waved Germany over, showing him her screen. Germany's lips parted in a gasp and quickly agreed to Japan's idea.

Japan made her way to the front of the room, taking Germany's place. She grabbed the microphone and let out a shriek.

The noise echoed around the room, and the short country put her hands on her hips as the room went quiet. Slowly, all heads turned to the front of the room to face Japan.

"Thank you all. Now, as we all know, this meeting has lost it's purpose, and is no longer being productive, like usual. I found an interesting video we can all enjoy while we wait for the meeting to end."

People nodded at the truth, and all agreed with Japan. Japan shared her screen with the large board in the front of the room.

Several audible reactions could be heard around the room, and Japan smirked, content with their reactions and attention.

Japan pressed play.

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The videos ended. The countries were left agape.

"Well, we certainly have a lot to discuss." Germany broke the silence, and for once, everybody listened.

"America has 71 children, and he's been raising them all alone." It wasn't a question.

Countries couldn't believe it. Loud obnoxious America. Burger loving America. Idiotic, obnoxious America. Was a father.

Britian's mouth hung agape, while France was pondering who the other parent must be. Canada wore a small smile, excited to meet his nephews and nieces. China was pondering how his spies hadn't known about this, while Italy wanted to know if any of them liked pasta. Japan was drooling, picturing several different animes they could draw.

Russia leaned against a wall in the corner of the room, where nobody noticed him. A small, triumphant smirk played on his face.
I knew the American was hiding something. Nobody, NOBODY, beats me. Certanily not an uptight, egotistical, *ss, that he pretend to be.

Germany spoke calmly. "Gather in a circle, and we will properly discuss the findings."

Several countries breathed a sigh of relieve as the countries simmered down, making their way to their usual seats.

Germany stood at the front of the table, while the personifications watched him, practically bubbling with questions.

"As it seems..." Germany drawled, " the America we know, is not the real America." Several loud remarks were heard, but people nodded along.

"Individually, we will go around and each note one important thing we wish to bring to attention. This could be  question, an observation, or assumption." Germany watched gratefully as countries remained quiet.

"We will start with Canada."

Canada chuckled nervously as all the eyes of the countries bore into him. His hands fidgeted in his lap, and Ukraine gave him an empathetic look, and urged him to continue.

"Well I noticed that America's cooking was quite good... you know... we all thought he just ate hamburgers... but to cook that much!" Countries nodded in agreement.

France and Italy tilted their heads, wondering if they could learn something from the American. Many of the other countries wanted to taste the food the states had so eagerly scarfed down. Most countries did in fact.

"England, you're up." Germany called drawing people out of their faults.

"I would like to discuss the obvious elephant in the room." Nobody moved.

Russia had been trying to avoid the subject. The empty plate. It felt like an invasion of privacy, but at the same time, Russia felt like he needed to know.

England took a breath. "I have a theory..."

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